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    Fundraiser by Joshua Lim for #HarapanMulia

    RM 2,050.00


    RM 5,000.00 Goal

    6 Donors

    在我6年的慈善之路上,我看过了好多,好多的贫穷家庭。很多人很喜欢问我两个问题:1) 为什么你要做慈善? 2) 什么原因导致这么多人穷苦至需要慈善的帮忙?老实说,我并没有很伟大或感人的原因去选择加入慈善社工这条路,纯粹以一个很单纯的心,想要从事一份真心可以去帮助真正的贫困人士的工作,可以接触到他们再帮到他们,感觉很有意义,就一直这样做了6年对于为什么这么多人会生活在困境里,我有一个听起来很玄的答案,但是的的确确是非常真实的,那就是 “教育”! 在我们帮助的贫穷家庭里,很多父母都是从事比较低收入的工作(清洁工人,厂工,散工)等等。他们很想要给与一个好教育给他们的孩子,给他们去补习,上大学等等,可是经济上的他们根本没办法做到,所以孩子们的成绩都是平平,而且想到上大学需要每个月在外面租房和吃饭的生活费,他们反而就不鼓励孩子去上大学了。没有学历的孩子,到最后往往会步回父母的后尘,从事低收入的工作,导致 B40 community 已日渐长。今年4月的时候,我听到一个贫穷家庭的妈妈, Puan Rubayah 说到:“今天我很心疼,因为我的孩子告诉我她想要上大学,为了完成他的梦想,我向亲朋戚友借了 RM2900 来帮他偿还大学报名费,可是我的孩子告诉我他需要一个电脑来做功课,我却完全没有办法”当下听了,真的感觉很遗憾。如今的年代已经和以往不同,以前和政府借 PTPTN 已足够支撑学费和生活费,如今的年代 PTPTN 只能够给予学费,但是生活费,交通费,书本电脑等等的开销,贫穷家庭的小孩就算在学校假期去打工,都无法完全负担得起。 为了协助Puan Rubayah 和她的孩子, 耕心送了一架电脑给他的孩子,也亲身教导她的孩子如何使用这架电脑,也鼓励他们向宏愿慈善协会寻求帮助。如今,宏愿慈善协会(耕心姐妹协会)每月帮助贫苦家庭的孩子们上大学的生活费 RM250 长达12个月或更久, 再给予他们一次性RM1500 买书本或电脑来上网课等等。这些孩子都很听话,大学放假后常常会跑去打工来帮补家里的收入!我们只有给他们一个要求,就是在我们帮助他们的这个期间,他们得去做慈善的义工或举办小小的爱心活动,把我们给他们的爱心传给外面更多有需要的底层人士 如今,在新的一年2022里,宏愿慈善协会希望可以向大众做个凑款来继续帮助他们。RM30, RM50 或 RM100 都是对我们有很大的鼓励 爱心捐款: Persatuan Harapan Mulia (宏愿慈善协会) CIMB 800 360 0877感恩您的爱心! 
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    Fundraiser by Jenny Yap for #HarapanMulia

    Minimum Donation RM 1.00

    RM 100.00


    RM 10,000.00 Goal

    1 Donors

    Hello there, my name is Jenny Yap I am a volunteer & event executive of Great Heart Charity Association. I get to know that our Sister NGO Great Vision Charity Association is running fundraising activities to maintain and continue their helping hand to the underprivileged family and underprivileged student.A little bit introduce of Great Vision Charity Association had two programme in action which is “Didik-Kasih Educare Program” & “Rakan Shopping Program”.The Didik-Kasih Educare Program provides care in the form of study aid, which assists to those who are underprivileged and want to continue their studies on tertiary level. It provided startup assistance & monthly allowance to cover their living expenses while they study.The Rakan Shopping Program is that conducted on third Sunday of each month, where 10 underprivileged families are invited for a grocery shopping session with volunteers. RM100 cash vouchers are handed out to each family as to lighten their financial load.Hope the above short introduction is clear for your understanding. In this fundraising activity I personally appreciate for your kindness help; and in return for your donation I will hold a lucky draw section for the donors.With every RM100 of donation will valid with one entry.Please screenshot your donation receipt and email to me at [email protected] Do provide me your full name, phone no, and address for the lucky draw section.Entries validity date will run until 30th November 2020, and lucky draw live section will be on my Facebook on 1st December 2020 @ 20:00 hrs. Donation entries submitted will stand a chance to win one whole set of Angry Bird Crochet doll.Of cause this donation is not a must for the amount as stated, I would be happy and most appreciate with any amount of your donation.Sincerely thank you and wish all your kindness will be blessed with all the good fortune.Thank You! Yours sincerely, Jenny Yap
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    Fundraiser by Jeff Tan for #HarapanMulia

    Minimum Donation RM 1.00

    RM 228.00


    RM 10,000.00 Goal

    6 Donors

    I’m Jeff from Great Heart Charity Association. Now I wish to support the fundraising of RM500 000 for our sister NGO Great Vision Charity Association. This amount are mainly use for their charity expenses in Year 2021.I have been joining Great Vision for few times, their charity works are very meaningful for beneficiaries. The main charity they do are bring underprivileged families to buy groceries and support students from under privileged families to study university.For some of the poor families, I found that their children might be performing very well in their school result. However, family’s financial situation force them must go to work and earn money as soon as possible. In this case, some of them might lost focus on their study, even some of them force to abort the chance to further study. In our eyes, we maybe will feel kind of pity, but they really have not much choice because of their financial situation.The reason I support the fundraising for Great Vision Charity Association is because I believe the support they giving to the student will really change their future life, it is very important toward them.
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    Fundraiser by Jeff Tan for #HarapanMulia

    RM 790.00


    RM 3,000.00 Goal

    8 Donors

    Hi,我是Jeff Tan,目前也正在帮忙一起响应Great Vision Charity Association的众筹计划。这次众筹所得的善款都会用于Great Vision Charity Association在2023年的运营及慈善项目。我本身也从事了慈善社工2年的时间,走访了无数个弱势群体的家庭,我真的认为“教育”是其中一个能够真正改变他们家庭命运的东西。我们无法永远的帮助他们,但是如果能够给予他们受教育的机会,他们以后都能够靠自己去生活甚至过得更加的好。因此,比起帮助他们一些物质上的东西,我始终觉得给予他们教育的机会会是更好的选择。以上也是我响应Great Vision Charity Association的众筹计划的原因,因为这个NGO所着重的其中一个慈善项目”Didik-Kasih EduCare Program”就是专门提供助学金给来自弱势群体家庭的大学生。我也希望在这次的众筹计划中,尽一份微薄之力帮忙凑得RM3,000的善款。如果成功达成目标的话,我也会去挑战自己完成投进1000颗中距离篮球!希望大家能够一起来帮助来自弱势家庭的孩子获得受教育的机会。 Hi, my name is Jeff Tan, I'm currently helping out with the Great Vision Charity Association's crowd funding program. The funds raised from this crowd funding will be used for the operation and charity projects of the Great Vision Charity Association in 2023.I have been engaged in charity social work for 2 years and have visited countless families of underprivileged groups. I really think that "education" is one of the things that can really change the fate of their families. We can't help them forever, but if we can give them the opportunity to be educated, they will be able to live on their own and even better in the future. Therefore, rather than helping them with something physically, I always felt that giving them the opportunity to educate would be a better choice.The above is also the reason why I responded to the crowd funding program of the Great Vision Charity Association, because one of the charitable program that this NGO focuses on is named "Didik-Kasih EduCare Program". This program is to provide financial aid to college students from underprivileged families.I also hope that in this crowd funding project, I can help to raise a donation of RM3,000. If successful, I will challenge myself to make 1,000 field-goal of mid-range basketballs!I hope that everyone can work together to help children from underprivileged families gain access to education. 
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    Fundraiser by Jay Fam for #HarapanMulia

    RM 100.00


    RM 100.00 Goal

    4 Donors

    Hi my name is Jay Fam. I am 8 years old. This is my first time trying to be a fundraiser to raise fund for a charity. I believe everyone should be trying to help each other to make the world a better place. Life is beautiful and I hope you can support my fundraiser. Thank you.❤️
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    Fundraiser by Isabella for #HarapanMulia

    RM 685.00


    RM 500.00 Goal

    13 Donors

    嗨,我是Isabella。认识我的人都知道有我的出现,就是散发正能量的时候了~疫情严重性已慢慢舒缓,大家都学习着如何与病毒共存,相信各路义工们已万事俱备只欠东风了吧?这次有幸参与 宏愿慈善协会 的筹款活动,帮助弱势群体们在家庭开销孩子学费上减轻负担。我本身也是来自弱势家庭,知道这些津贴对于我们来说是很大的帮助,所以在受的同时我也学习着如何施出幸福。捐款数额没有限制,每一份都是来自你们的祝福,大家一起付出力量吧!
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    Fundraiser by Fenny Chee for #HarapanMulia

    Minimum Donation RM 1.00

    RM 2,600.00


    RM 10,000.00 Goal

    20 Donors

    那年我十八岁,读完SPM之后本来想继续学习的,无奈当时的经济条件不允许,所以就出来社 会工作了。回想起来,如果当时可以继续学习的话,也许会更好。“教育可以改变命运”这句老掉牙的话,它不是没有根据的。显然,在这个社会上还是有许多没被幸运之神眷顾的孩子。他们来自贫困家庭、单亲家庭,有 者甚至是无双亲的孩子们,想继续学习但却因为缺乏经济能力而裹足不前。您们愿意帮助这些 孩子吗?宏愿慈善协会 (GREAT VISION CHARITY ASSOCIATION) 有一个项目叫做“关怀教育助学计划 ”(DIDIK-KASIH EDUCARE PROGRAM),就是帮助弱势群体的孩子们,让他们有机会可以继续学习 ,学习一技之长,将来踏入社会时可以找份适合自己的工作,养活自己并成为有能力回馈社会 的一份子。除此之外,还有帮助贫困家庭采购干粮杂货,这项目属于一次性的资助。宏愿慈善协会会筛选 符合要求的受惠家庭,并让他们获得生活上需要的物资。
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    Fundraiser by Fenny Chee for #HarapanMulia

    RM 3,010.00


    RM 3,000.00 Goal

    29 Donors

    嗨!我是FENNY在被疫情笼罩的这些日子里,有很多贫困家庭面临着断粮、断学的危机,堪比雪上加霜。常会听到有人诉说着自己在生活上的困境、很彷徨无助、因为缺乏经济能力而裹足不前等等。曾经接过一通求救电话,对方恳求希望有善心人士能够捐赠奶粉给他年幼的婴儿,因为他刚被裁员,没有多余的钱可以买奶粉。一包价值RM20左右的奶粉,对其他人而言,也许是一顿午餐的钱;但是,对于当时的他来说,可能就是“压倒骆驼的最后一根稻草”。很庆幸的是,宏愿慈善协会 (GREAT VISION CHARITY ASSOCIATION)依旧做着“陪购计划”(SHOPPING BUDDY PROGRAM),这个项目是属于一次性的资助,社工们会审查并筛选符合条件的受惠家庭,让他们获得生活上所需要的物资。除此之外,宏愿慈善协会还设有“关怀教育助学计划”(DIDIK-KASIH EDUCARE PROGRAM),目的就是希望帮助这些弱势群体的莘莘学子,减轻家长的部分负担,让孩子们可以继续他们的学业,待将来出社会谋生时,能有更多、更好的选择捐款多少不设限,您捐进来的每一分钱,我们都会无比感恩与珍惜。因为您的捐款可以让这个平台能够持续帮助更多有需要被援助的弱势群体。您愿意帮助他们吗?
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    Fundraiser by Farhana & Hanisya for #HarapanMulia

    RM 181.00


    RM 6,000.00 Goal

    7 Donors

    Hi we’re from Great Vision Association/Persatuan Harapan Mulia. We’re working as a social worker. Becoming a social worker in charity company is one of our goals that we admire before. This journey career is really different from the others because we have to contribute to our communities.Great Vision donation funds goes to all the people who is in need especially for B40 student allowance (Didik kasih program), Food basket for PPR communities and activities to support the urban poor community in Malaysia.Some of these people comes from underprivilege families and poor. We are created to have a sense of sympathy to the unlucky ones. Volunteering your time, money, or energy to help others doesn’t just make the world better it also makes you better. Helping others, especially those who are less fortunate than yourself, can help to put things into perspective and make you feel more positive about your own circumstances.Let’s make this happen again by joining our Fundraising Campaign for Great Vision Association. Our target is RM6,000. Take this opportunity to give back to our charity!Spread some love and care about others ️Are you interested? Show some love here >> Instagram : @hanisyanajiha / @nrfana_Email : [email protected] / [email protected] 
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    Fundraiser by Danny Tan for #HarapanMulia

    RM 10,510.00


    RM 10,000.00 Goal

    6 Donors

    大家好!我是来自巴生的Danny Tan认识我的人都知道我对于慈善总是默默的去施,默默的支持,也从不大事宣扬。因为总是觉得只要做好事,是不必让人知道的。在一个偶然的机会下,我看到了一则马云说“公益哲学”:低调做慈善,高调做公益。 公益的职责就是唤醒每个人心中的善良,公益需要钱,但光有钱是远远不够的,公益是在于参与,是在于点点滴滴的行动。公益和慈善的不同恰恰在于:可以低调做慈善,但一定要高调做公益。因为慈善是个人的事,而公益在于唤醒,唤醒人内心的善良。慈善和公益是息息相关的,只要心中有爱,做公益、做慈善都是人生一辈子中最大的福报。
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    Fundraiser by Danny for #HarapanMulia

    RM 483.00


    RM 3,000.00 Goal

    8 Donors

    Hi to all my friends,Most of people are aware that I am actively doing my social works after my resignation in Apr 2020 under Great Heart Charity Association (GHCA).Currently one of the related association of GHCA with name of Great Vision Charity Association (GVCA) is running crowdfunding campaign to fundraise RM450,000 for enable them to continue with their charity program for 2023.Therefore I’m volunteer to be their fundraiser for GVCA with hope to raise RM3,000 to support the organisation’s charity programs for the year 2023. They are running two programs mainly Shopping Buddy Program & The Didik-Kasih EduCare Program.Rakan Shopping programs aims to aid the underprivileged B40 Malaysians with grocery aid to reduce their household burden and encouraging them a balance diet. . Every RM50 donated allows the charity to put together a grocery pack for a B40 family which will last the family a month.Didik-Kasih EduCare Program– a program that funds students from underprivileged background to pursue tertiary studies at the same time transforming the students to give back to the society by mentoring them to conduct charity project.I’m appealing to every one of you who are reading this. If you believe in the work I do, help us to help more, every donation counts!Have questions? Reach out to GVCA staff at [email protected]Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.Regards,Danny Kwan Yik CheeSeasonal volunteer 
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    Fundraiser by Angie Ng for #HarapanMulia

    RM 30,500.00


    RM 3,000.00 Goal

    66 Donors

    我是Angie Ng,来自巴生,在GREAT HEART不知不觉中服务已经6年多了,时间过的真快!在这6年里,除了自己办的活动之外,我也参与其他同事主办的活动,对于Great Vision我也参与了无数次的陪购,Great Vision也是GREAT HEART旗下的姐妹,援助包含了:教育助学计划、每月的陪购计划等等。人生不能等的3件事:一、孝順不能等。二、行善不能等。三、教育不能等。人这一生,最常做的事就是等,等有钱了 ,等有空了,等将来 ,等以后 ,等下次,等来等去,留下的是遗憾。 在此呼吁大家,让我们一起为慈善为教育出发,您们的一人一份力量~就是推动无限正能量!🙏🏻感恩的心 感谢有您🙏🏻