Out of stock嗨!我是FENNY在被疫情笼罩的这些日子里,有很多贫困家庭面临着断粮、断学的危机,堪比雪上加霜。常会听到有人诉说着自己在生活上的困境、很彷徨无助、因为缺乏经济能力而裹足不前等等。曾经接过一通求救电话,对方恳求希望有善心人士能够捐赠奶粉给他年幼的婴儿,因为他刚被裁员,没有多余的钱可以买奶粉。一包价值RM20左右的奶粉,对其他人而言,也许是一顿午餐的钱;但是,对于当时的他来说,可能就是“压倒骆驼的最后一根稻草”。很庆幸的是,宏愿慈善协会 (GREAT VISION CHARITY ASSOCIATION)依旧做着“陪购计划”(SHOPPING BUDDY PROGRAM),这个项目是属于一次性的资助,社工们会审查并筛选符合条件的受惠家庭,让他们获得生活上所需要的物资。除此之外,宏愿慈善协会还设有“关怀教育助学计划”(DIDIK-KASIH EDUCARE PROGRAM),目的就是希望帮助这些弱势群体的莘莘学子,减轻家长的部分负担,让孩子们可以继续他们的学业,待将来出社会谋生时,能有更多、更好的选择捐款多少不设限,您捐进来的每一分钱,我们都会无比感恩与珍惜。因为您的捐款可以让这个平台能够持续帮助更多有需要被援助的弱势群体。您愿意帮助他们吗?
Out of stockUpdate 2: Thank you all donors for making it possible to reach my targeted RM20k in funds raised for the #HarapanMulia campaign. As pledged, I have made a 10km run to mark the occasion, and completed the run at 1:12:10, in a little over an hour. Although tiring and feeling the muscle soreness now, the run has been worthwhile as with the funds contributed from my campaign, it means that we are RM20k closer in reaching the main campaign goal of raising RM450k to enable Great Vision Charity to continue its intended programs in 2023 to serve the needy. The main #HarapanMulia campaign is not over yet, so for those who would still like to extend your much-needed kind and generous support, please feel free to do so. Thank you!Update 1: Thank you for all your support which enable me to reach my fundraising target. However, as the #HarapanMulia 2022 Fundraiser has yet to reach its target, I will continue my fundraiser to try and reach RM20,000 in funds raised. If I am able to reach RM20k, I will be making a 10km run to mark the occasion. So, looking forward to receiving your support!..................................................................................................................The past 2 years has been a wild and emotional ride for many of us. It has been a period of both loss and also gain. We initially loss our freedom of movement, and restrictions to the way that we normally do things. But from the loss comes new ideas and approaches to move forward, growing and learning along the way from the steep learning curve, as how it has to be. As the saying goes, life finds a way and life goes on.From a personal perspective, we changed the approach on how we do things, from the need to be physically presence to reach out to our targeted beneficiaries, to become the hands and feet of our beneficiaries when they are restricted in their movements to within their housing compound. This was what happened for our Shopping Buddy program, where from initially bringing out the urban poor families and accompanying them to get their household groceries, we have now adapted to getting the list of needed groceries from each families by way of phone call, and going to the hypermarket to shop for the list of requested items before sending it over to the families, so that the needs of the underserved are still taken care of even when their movements are restricted. We even increased the number of supported families every month during this period, seeing the high number of families affected by the pandemic and economic uncertainties, from the initial 10 families per month, to a high of 80 families per month during the peak of the pandemic. We are now averaging 20 families per month this year for the Shopping Buddy program, hoping that the little assistance that was provided will at least alleviate the burden of the families, some of which are single mothers, working a few jobs to make a living so that they could feed their young children.On the positives side, it also heartens me that despite all the challenges the pandemic and lockdown are affecting our lives, some of the students under our Didik-Kasih EduCare program have continued to progress well in their studies. One who is majoring in Fine Arts had just completed his impressive artwork exhibition recently, while another is expected to be completing his aircraft maintenance technician license program by year end.We will not have been able to extend our support and services to all the beneficiaries under our care without the kind support and donations from our generous donors, such as yourself. It is undeniable that the economic uncertainties had certainly affected some of our existing donors’ capability to continue their support to us financially. We are also unable to conduct large scale physical fundraisers with the limitations. Thus, with the new norm, we have been adapting to the online crowdfunding method so that we will be able to have the funds necessary to continue running our range of charity programs and projects. With crowdfunding, everyone is able to support our programs, with as little or as much as they would like to, from the comfort of their own home.That is why I will be acting as one of the fundraisers to raise RM13,000.00 in support of the #HarapanMulia fundraiser so that Great Vision Charity Association will get to continue running our charity programs without disruption in 2023. I hope to be able to garner your warm and generous support, as we strive to inspire and empower less fortunate people via education and awareness, so that the underprivileged groups under our care will recognise their potential, and go from being takers to givers.Thank you for taking time to read my write up, and hoping to gather your much needed crucial support.Warm regards,Yuen
Out of stockI’m Jeff from Great Heart Charity Association. Now I wish to support the fundraising of RM500 000 for our sister NGO Great Vision Charity Association. This amount are mainly use for their charity expenses in Year 2021.I have been joining Great Vision for few times, their charity works are very meaningful for beneficiaries. The main charity they do are bring underprivileged families to buy groceries and support students from under privileged families to study university.For some of the poor families, I found that their children might be performing very well in their school result. However, family’s financial situation force them must go to work and earn money as soon as possible. In this case, some of them might lost focus on their study, even some of them force to abort the chance to further study. In our eyes, we maybe will feel kind of pity, but they really have not much choice because of their financial situation.The reason I support the fundraising for Great Vision Charity Association is because I believe the support they giving to the student will really change their future life, it is very important toward them.
Out of stockHello everyone,Am NianShan here..Here I want to share a very meaningful things with all my relatives and friends. Because of the epidemic, many families or people are facing many problems and crisis. I not forcing everyone to donate just like I did. I just hoping if we can help out why not just help out whichever we can. There’s no need a big amount for your donation just donate whatever amount that you want it! Let the world become colourful like last time. A big thank you to Great Vision for the fundraising. Thank you to those people for the donations!
Out of stockHelp me support my favourite NGO! :)I've always been a frequent volunteer for Great Vision Charity Association (GVCA)'s Shopping Buddy Program, which is a program that aims to assist the B40 community. Throughout my experience of volunteering with GVCA, I am constantly amazed by the effort and passion they share to provide for the beneficiaries that are under their care. Thus, I always make myself available in many of their events, simply because I believe in the way they do things. Moreover, GVCA has always been transparent on the funds they received from donors, detailing every penny that goes into each programs, so you can rest assured the donations are in good hands.This round, GVCA is looking to raise RM500k to continue their charity programs in year 2021. Breakdown as below:• Shopping Buddy Program - RM42 k • Didik-Kasih EduCare Program - RM 218k • Charity Program Facilitation - RM 110 k • Operating Expenditure - RM 130 kRakan Shopping Program would be the program I participated in the most, it aims to support the B40 communities by taking care of their monthly groceries needs. With groceries paid for, families can then focus on paying off overdue bills, medical fees, as well as the educational costs for their kids. Hopefully, it'll be able to ease the burden of the families, and to create a better lifestyle for them.The Didik-Kasih EduCare program is a study aid that aims to assist those who wishes to further their tertiary studies by providing them with a start-up assistance and monthly allowance to cover his / her living expenses while studying throughout the period of assistance. The program also aims to influence and inspire successful applicants to give back to the society by getting involved in and organizing charity activities.My 1st goal: To raise RM 2000.If the target is reached, I want to challenge myself to go vegan for 2 weeks, and in the process of doing so, document it and share it with my friends. Hopefully, in the future, I'll be able to practice a lifestyle that reduces the environmental impact by eating meat-free meals as part of my weekly routine.Let's help each other out in times of crisis!
Out of stockHi,我是Jeff Tan,目前也正在帮忙一起响应Great Vision Charity Association的众筹计划。这次众筹所得的善款都会用于Great Vision Charity Association在2023年的运营及慈善项目。我本身也从事了慈善社工2年的时间,走访了无数个弱势群体的家庭,我真的认为“教育”是其中一个能够真正改变他们家庭命运的东西。我们无法永远的帮助他们,但是如果能够给予他们受教育的机会,他们以后都能够靠自己去生活甚至过得更加的好。因此,比起帮助他们一些物质上的东西,我始终觉得给予他们教育的机会会是更好的选择。以上也是我响应Great Vision Charity Association的众筹计划的原因,因为这个NGO所着重的其中一个慈善项目”Didik-Kasih EduCare Program”就是专门提供助学金给来自弱势群体家庭的大学生。我也希望在这次的众筹计划中,尽一份微薄之力帮忙凑得RM3,000的善款。如果成功达成目标的话,我也会去挑战自己完成投进1000颗中距离篮球!希望大家能够一起来帮助来自弱势家庭的孩子获得受教育的机会。 Hi, my name is Jeff Tan, I'm currently helping out with the Great Vision Charity Association's crowd funding program. The funds raised from this crowd funding will be used for the operation and charity projects of the Great Vision Charity Association in 2023.I have been engaged in charity social work for 2 years and have visited countless families of underprivileged groups. I really think that "education" is one of the things that can really change the fate of their families. We can't help them forever, but if we can give them the opportunity to be educated, they will be able to live on their own and even better in the future. Therefore, rather than helping them with something physically, I always felt that giving them the opportunity to educate would be a better choice.The above is also the reason why I responded to the crowd funding program of the Great Vision Charity Association, because one of the charitable program that this NGO focuses on is named "Didik-Kasih EduCare Program". This program is to provide financial aid to college students from underprivileged families.I also hope that in this crowd funding project, I can help to raise a donation of RM3,000. If successful, I will challenge myself to make 1,000 field-goal of mid-range basketballs!I hope that everyone can work together to help children from underprivileged families gain access to education.
Out of stockHello~~ Meet me Nazihah!Saya merupakan pekerja sosial di Persatuan Harapan Mulia. Ini perjalanan saya bersama Persatuan Harapan Mulia dalam membantu komuniti dan pelajar B40. Sepanjang 3 tahun perjalanan saya, banyak kisah sedih, kesusahan, happy dan pengajaran hidup yang saya dapat belajar daripada mereka. Ada yang struggle untuk membeli peralatan bayi, ada yang menabung untuk menyediakan kenderaan yang selesa untuk anak-anak, ada atuk dan nenek sama-sama berniaga di sekitar rumah untuk menampung kos sara hidup harian. Ada juga yang sedang berjuang untuk melawan penyakit yang mereka hidapi. Pelbagai cabaran dan dugaan yang mereka hadapi dalam kehidupan. Mereka berusaha untuk membuat yang tebraik untuk keluarga mereka. Pihak GVCA sentiasa cuba sebaik mungkin untuk menyantuni mereka untuk memahami perjalanan hidup mereka agar bantuan yang disalurkan adalah bersesuaian dengan apa yang mereka perlukan. Banyak kisah kalua nak ceritakan sebenarnya. Tapi ada satu kisah yang saya masih saya ingat.Kisah yang paling saya rasa dekat dihati adalah seorang kisah seorang Pakcik yang menghidap leukimia, dia kuat untuk lawan sakit dia. GVCA bantu dia beberapa kali untuk bantuan barangan dapur dalam program Rakan Shopping. Saya masih ingat lagi ayat yang Pakcik tu bagitahu “terima kasih bagi Pakcik bantuan ni, 3 bulan ni Pakcik dah tak payah beli barangan kering, duit tu Pakcik boleh la guna buat bayar grab nanti untuk pergi hospital masa buat rawatan dan bayar bil hospital”. Setiap kali saya hantar barang bantuan, dia akan jumpa saya untuk ucapkan terima kasih walaupun dengan keadaan yang tidak sihat. Pakcik telah meninggal dunia pada tahun 2021 akibat sakitnya itu. Sejujurnya saya sedih apabila dengar pakcik tu dah meninggal dunia, tetapi dalam masa sama saya cukup berpuas hati kerana saya sudah melakukan yang terbaik untuk bantu Pakcik ringankan beban dia. Mungkin benda tu nampak sedikit pada kita, tapi sebenarnya besar nilai tu buat mereka.
Out of stockAbout Me Hi, my name is Tony. Although working in Great Heart Charity Association’s administrative department, I have also been recently involved in engaging at several social work activities in my sister NGO Great Vision Charity Association. I believe that lending a kindness hand are one of the most important aspects in our life when engaging for the good sake of the society.Rakan Shopping Program The Rakan Shopping (also known as Shopping Buddy Program) is one of my favourite charity work in Great Vision Charity Association so far. The reason I chose to volunteer this program is because it helps one to discover how people living in the underprivileged world look like where many of us rarely take into realization.Every month, Rakan Shopping Program would help at least dozens of low-income underprivileged families living mainly at low-cost flat areas by providing them groceries worth a total of RM100 for a family. The grocery items included basic goods such as rice, flour, cooking oil, beverages, canned food, noodles and so on in order to cope for their basic necessity life suffered due to financial difficulties.Why fundraise? By doing this fundraise, we hope that every single cent donated are highly valuable as they will be funneled through supporting Rakan Shopping Program as well as other related activities within Great Vision Charity Association such as Didik Kasih Edu-Care Program.If you would like to contribute something for the good of society but couldn’t physically volunteer outside, you can start on your own small effort by helping to donate to us! Every single kind donation is much appreciated!
Out of stock#HarapanMulia fundraiser campaign is back for year 2022!We are running the #HarapanMulia fundraiser, where we aim to raise RM450k for our two main programs: the Rakan Shopping Program and Didik-Kasih EduCare Program. We are also in need of funds to facilitate our charity programs and for day-to-day operations.Despite being able to successfully conduct our programs and activities this year, the COVID-19 pandemic has brought with it many uncertainties, which makes it even more important that we secure enough funds so that we are able to continue our work.We are looking for your support in donating, as well as fundraising so that we can achieve this goal of giving hope to our beneficiaries in the year to come. Let us come together as satu rakyat, to give harapan mulia to those in need. Note: As GVCA is currently still in the midst of applying with the Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri (LHDN) for our tax-exemption status, all donations received are currently non-tax-exempted. We seek your kind understanding on this matter. We will update on our communication channels should there be a change in our tax-exempt status in the near future.