Out of stock作为一名社工和义工,我们遇到了无数的贫困家庭,而最让我们心寒的是目睹了许多积极进取或有潜力的年轻人被剥夺了获得最佳教育体验的机会。 由于家里与大学的距离遥远却选择了这机会。大学对来自 B40 家庭的学生来说是一件昂贵的事情。 在某些情况下,上课根本不可能,因为更需要有限的钱来购买简单的必需品,例如租金、食物、水电费等。Didik-Kasih EduCare Program 是本协会的主要项目之一,该项目提供学习援助,旨在帮助潜在及希望继续高等教育的贫困小孩,为他们提供启动援助和十二个月的每月津贴,以支付他 / 她在学习期间的生活费用,以便他们能够专心学习。除此之外,宏愿慈善协会的另外一个慈善项目就是“陪购计划”(Shopping Buddy Program),此项目是给予贫困家庭生活上所需要的物资。捐款多少不设限,您捐进来的每一分钱,我们都会无比感恩与珍惜。因为您的捐款可以让本协会能够持续帮助更多有需要被援助的弱势群体。The current COVID-19 outbreak, the recent Klang Valley floods, and the global economic downturn have driven many of the B40 communities even further into poverty and hardship. Many people are losing their daily salaries, putting them in an even more precarious position. Rakan Shopping Program steps in to provide a short-term solution to ensure that these B40 families living in PPR have access to safe and healthy meals every day.As social workers & volunteers, meeting countless poor families, what breaks our hearts most is to witness many highly motivated or potential youths are being robbed from the chance of them to get the best education experience possible. Living far away from Universities and Colleges means school becomes an expensive affair for students coming from the B40 community. In some cases, attending classes at all becomes an improbability, because there is a higher need for limited amounts of money to go into a simple necessities, such as rental, food, utility payments and etc. Didik-Kasih EduCare Program, I would rather call it an opportunity to change our youths’ future by making tertiary education opportunities accessible to them.Thank you in advance and I sincerely appreciate for your kind support, giving us a chance to help those in need on your behalf, I believe together we can make a difference in the lives in need.Sincerely, Andrew & Adeline
Out of stock“种下一棵树,收获一片绿阴;献出一份爱心,实现一个宏愿疫情期间,我换了几份工作,漂泊不定的生活,让我情绪低落,心理上出现了巨大的波动和反常。工作的压力让我本来黑暗的生活雪上加霜。机缘巧合之下,我开始参与慈善活动,帮助有需要的人或同病相怜的人。渐渐地,我觉得从事慈善可以平息我浮躁的情绪。其实,每个人都需要支持和鼓励,社会也需要理解和关心。今年我有幸可以为宏愿慈善筹款,帮助受惠者筹未来一年的生活费和学费,我希望大家能够慷慨捐款。在复杂的世界寻求一种简单,让浮躁的心灵得到一种宁静; 在淡漠的人群寻求一种感动,让奢华的社会带来一种质朴。 Life is busy, and it can sometimes be easy to forget to show your gratitude for all that you’ve been given. When you are ready to give and are researching a charity to support, this can remind us of all that we have, and the act of donating to charity is a way to express our feelings gratitude.Successful charitable programs bring out the best in people who are seeking inspiration and purpose in life. It helps us see that a little help does go a long way. Without charity, there would be no second chances and opportunities for people and communities who need these.Every ringgit you contribute to Great Vision “Harapan Mulia” will be invested into changing the lives of communities in need. Inspire others to give generously by posting your act of kindness #harapanmulia on social media today.
Out of stock大家好!我是来自巴生的Danny Tan认识我的人都知道我对于慈善总是默默的去施,默默的支持,
也从不大事宣扬。因为总是觉得只要做好事,是不必让人知道的。在一个偶然的机会下,我看到了一则马云说“公益哲学”: 低调做慈善,高调做公益。 公益的职责就是唤醒每个人心中的善良,公益需要钱, 但光有钱是远远不够的,公益是在于参与,是在于点点滴滴的行动。 公益和慈善的不同恰恰在于:可以低调做慈善, 但一定要高调做公益。因为慈善是个人的事,而公益在于唤醒, 唤醒人内心的善良。慈善和公益是息息相关的,只要心中有爱,做公益、 做慈善都是人生一辈子中最大的福报。 -
Out of stock我是Angie Ng,来自巴生,在GREAT HEART不知不觉中服务已经6年多了,时间过的真快!在这6年里,除了自己办的活动之外,我也参与其他同事主办的活动,对于Great Vision我也参与了无数次的陪购,Great Vision也是GREAT HEART旗下的姐妹,援助包含了:教育助学计划、每月的陪购计划等等。人生不能等的3件事:一、孝順不能等。二、行善不能等。三、教育不能等。人这一生,最常做的事就是等,等有钱了 ,等有空了,等将来 ,等以后 ,等下次,等来等去,留下的是遗憾。 在此呼吁大家,让我们一起为慈善为教育出发,您们的一人一份力量~就是推动无限正能量!🙏🏻感恩的心 感谢有您🙏🏻
Out of stockIt has been 5 years since I actively participate in the charity field. My parents had taught us the importance of giving back to society by bringing us to volunteer in orphanages and old folks' homes frequently. After graduation, I started working with a wide range of beneficiaries and found out that the root cause of poverty is a lack of proper education within the community.To improve their living condition, Great Vision has been supporting the underprivileged scholars that wish to further their studies at the tertiary level via Didik Kasih Program. It provides start-up assistance and a monthly allowance to support underprivileged students to pursue higher education as they lack financial support for their living expenses. Other than financial support, Great Vision provides the opportunity for the students to conduct their own charity projects based on their field of expertise to benefit more underprivileged individuals while learning soft skills such as project management and proposal writing at the same time.Other than Didik Kasih Program, Rakan Shopping Program is conducted every month to reduce the burden on underprivileged families living in PPR (Project Perumahan Rakyat). Cash vouchers will be handed to underprivileged families for a grocery shopping session with the volunteers.I’m currently fundraising for Great Vision in hopes to light up the lives of even more underprivileged individuals that are fighting for their future. Join me by donating to this meaningful campaign and show your support to our beloved beneficiaries ❤️
Out of stock大家好!我是来自巴生班达马兰的陈玮強。对于慈善,我都是抱着趁自己还年轻,还可以付出很多时间去施,
举凡是有关慈善的如:发放物资、陪购、服务原住民、 老人院或孤儿院,只要时间允许我一定会参与同行, 以身休力行来为之付诸。我常常对身边的朋友说:“一个人的力量是有限的, 但一群人一起去做一样事情(例如一起搞一个慈善活动), 就可以达到事半功倍的效果,大家同心协力去帮助他人, 自己也会很开心。 -
Program Seed 4 Our Live merupakan program kesukarelawanan dikalangan mahasiswa UPSI dimana kami menyahut cabaran Kerajaan dalam melaksanakan kempen penanaman 100 juta pokok bakau menjelang tahun 2025.Antara manfaat pokok bakau adalah mampu menahan hakisan ombak di persisiran pantai yang mana ia dapat memberi kesan yang positif kepada masyarakat umum sekali gus dapat memberi manfaat kepada eco sistem haiwan - haiwan yang menjadikan hutan paya bakau sebagai habitat mereka .Visi dan Misi kami adalah untuk menyahut seruan kerajaan dalam pelaksanaan kempen ini dan menanam 500 pokok bakau di persisiran pantai.Program ini juga mendapat sokongan daripada Jabatan Perhutanan Negeri Selangor dimana kami berkolaborasi bersama pihak jabatan perhutanan.
Kami, pelajar-pelajar Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI) dari kumpulan 2 kursus UPU3412 Kesukarelawanan (I) akan menganjurkan sebuah program untuk membantu pelajar-pelajar yang kurang berkemampuan dengan memberikan keperluan barangan asas bagi meringankan beban mereka.
dengan rasa rendah hati ingin mengalu-alukan sumbangan seikhlas hati daripada anda semua. Kutipan dana ini dilakukan bagi membantu kumpulan kami menambahkan dana bagi menjalankan Program “ Street Groceries and Food Contribution”.
Oleh itu, marilah kita sama-sama menghulurkan bantuan agar dapat membantu meringankan beban pelajar-pelajar yang kurang berkemampuan. Seterusnya, kami berharap agar program ini dapat berjalan dengan jayanya.
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Pada tahun ini, kami mahasiswa/i Kolej Ungku Omar, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) akan menganjurkan program Anak Muda Nadi Malaysia Edisi ke-9 yang bertempat di Taiping, Perak bagi membina ukhwah silaturahim bersama anak-anak yatim di Pondok Pengajian dan Tarbiah Ukhrowi.
Hasrat NADI bagi menyantuni anak-anak ini dengan mengambil inisiatif melibatkan komuniti kampung berdekatan menjalankan aktiviti bergotong-royong, rewang serta aktiviti sukaneka yang mendekatkan masyarakat bersama dengan anak-anak pondok.
Dengan rendah hati, kami mengalu-alukan sumbangan orang ramai dengan seikhlas hati bagi memberi sumbangan dana agar program Anak Muda Nadi Malaysia Edisi-9 dapat berjalan lancar dengan jayanya.
Mari bersama- sama menyumbang agar dapat memberi tenaga dan impak yang positif kepada anak-anak pondok di sana.
Out of stockDear kind-hearted donors,We are a group of Inti Nilai student from Group 5 Community Service. We are running the raised fund for Rakan Shopping Program.Rakan Shopping Program run by the Great Vision Charity Association an organization dedicated to improving the lives of underprivileged communities. We are currently running a fundraising to support 20 low-income families from PPR Hicom who desperately need our help.These families have been selected based on their financial situation, and they receive grocery assistance to help alleviate some of the burden of their financial struggles. With your support, we can ensure that these families have access to basic necessities and improve their quality of life.We understand that times are tough for everyone, but the families we are supporting are facing unprecedented challenges. The ongoing pandemic has resulted in job losses, reduced income, and increased expenses. As a result, many low-income families are struggling to put food on the table and pay for basic necessities like rent and utilities.Your donation, no matter how small, can make a significant difference in the lives of these families. It can provide them with the resources they need to survive and thrive during these challenging times. We believe that everyone deserves access to basic necessities, and your contribution can help us make this a reality for the families we are supporting.We appreciate your kindness and generosity in supporting our fundraising. Your donation will go a long way in helping us achieve our goal of improving the lives of underprivileged communities.Thank you for your support.
Out of stockWe are culinary students doing a project called “Plates of Hope” teaming up with Trinity Community Children Home Society to serve up a better future for orphaned, abused, and neglected children.With your generous support, we can nourish their bodies and spirits, one meal at a time. Let's sprinkle love and kindness onto their plates and into their lives. Join us in cooking up a brighter tomorrow for these deserving young souls. Your donation today can be the secret ingredient that transforms their tomorrows.Together, let's create a recipe for resilience and joy!For more enquiries : Instagram: aliasofea_05 Phone no: 014-2348212Your support would mean a lot to us and the children.Fundraising Target: RM 600.00Fundraising Period: 18th October to 8th November 2023
“A New Hope, A Greater Future”, a fund-raising campaign organized by Sunway University School of Hospitality and Service Management students. Our aim is to raise funds of RM 1,000.00, which would allow us to purchase daily necessities such as daily products, school supplies and stationery as well for Rumah Ozanam Klang. As University students, we would love to contribute and engage in this event to the best of our abilities as well as lending a hand to the unfortunates. Throughout the event, with the key activities that we were planning to do so, we hope that the children would be happy to continue their interest in learning as education is a very important aspect of our lives. Thus, we do hope that our contributions bring good support to the children. Nevertheless, with a small support from each person, we believe that every contribution helps a lot.Fundraising Target: RM 1,000.00Fundraising Period: 20th October to 10th November 2023