Out of stockWe are running the #HarapanMulia fundraiser, where we aim to raise RM500k for our two main programs: the Rakan Shopping Program and Didik-Kasih EduCare Program. We are also in need of funds to facilitate our charity programs and for day-to-day operations.Despite being able to successfully conduct our programs and activities this year, the COVID-19 pandemic has brought with it many uncertainties, which makes it even more important that we secure enough funds so that we are able to continue our work.We are looking for your support in donating, as well as fundraising so that we can achieve this goal of giving hope to our beneficiaries in the year to come. Let us come together as satu rakyat, to give harapan mulia to those in need.
Out of stock#HarapanMulia fundraiser campaign is back for year 2022!We are running the #HarapanMulia fundraiser, where we aim to raise RM450k for our two main programs: the Rakan Shopping Program and Didik-Kasih EduCare Program. We are also in need of funds to facilitate our charity programs and for day-to-day operations.Despite being able to successfully conduct our programs and activities this year, the COVID-19 pandemic has brought with it many uncertainties, which makes it even more important that we secure enough funds so that we are able to continue our work.We are looking for your support in donating, as well as fundraising so that we can achieve this goal of giving hope to our beneficiaries in the year to come. Let us come together as satu rakyat, to give harapan mulia to those in need. Note: As GVCA is currently still in the midst of applying with the Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri (LHDN) for our tax-exemption status, all donations received are currently non-tax-exempted. We seek your kind understanding on this matter. We will update on our communication channels should there be a change in our tax-exempt status in the near future.
Out of stock我是Angie Ng,来自巴生,在GREAT HEART不知不觉中服务已经6年多了,时间过的真快!在这6年里,除了自己办的活动之外,我也参与其他同事主办的活动,对于Great Vision我也参与了无数次的陪购,Great Vision也是GREAT HEART旗下的姐妹,援助包含了:教育助学计划、每月的陪购计划等等。人生不能等的3件事:一、孝順不能等。二、行善不能等。三、教育不能等。人这一生,最常做的事就是等,等有钱了 ,等有空了,等将来 ,等以后 ,等下次,等来等去,留下的是遗憾。 在此呼吁大家,让我们一起为慈善为教育出发,您们的一人一份力量~就是推动无限正能量!🙏🏻感恩的心 感谢有您🙏🏻
Out of stockUpdateDear fellow friends, families, and supporters,Thank you to your kind support, I have now managed to reach my fundraising target of RM10,000! I couldn't have made it without your loving and kind support, so a big thank you to all of you whom have supported me. Your donation means a lot to the team here at Great Vision Charity as this will ensure we are able to continue running our 2 main programs to help out underprivileged families and needy students in 2021.That said, our #HarapanMulia campaign target has not ended yet, as the main target is to raise RM500k for Great Vision Charity. For those who are still keen to support our campaign, you may send your love and support to our other fundraisers or to our main campaign here.Thank you once again!Best regards, Yuen____It has been an unforgettable seven years journey for me at Persatuan Harapan Mulia, from planning and setting up the various charity programs, to executing, implementing, and fine tuning each of these programs with my team and colleagues to ensure that they reach out to our target beneficiaries as intended. I have learnt about the plights of the B40 urban poor communities living in various government low cost Projek Perumahan Rakyat (PPR) flats, where half of these low-income families experience being unable to afford sufficient food and with 40% of these households being children, according to a study by UNICEF. That is where our Shopping Buddy program comes in, to provide short-term intervention to end hunger and ensure access by these families in vulnerable situations living in PPR to safe, nutritious, and sufficient food, especially now, more so in our current landscape where we all need to weather both the Covid-19 pandemic and economic uncertainties. While interacting with these families, we also took the opportunity to impart some useful knowledge on good practices in managing their financials.My journey also gave me the chance to interact with a number of tertiary education students from underprivileged backgrounds, where through our Didik-Kasih EduCare program, I have seen some of the students grown from a receiver of aid, to become a giver and role model, inspiring their younger brothers and sisters from various children’s homes to study hard and one day step into an institution of higher learning, graduating from the course of their dreams, and finally contributing back to the society. To see these students being able to conduct charity projects of their own that is usually related to their field of studies, under the guidance of our social workers, and surpassing their own expectations when they have successfully completed their respective charity projects is truly a joy. They have, among others, brought children from various charity homes to places such as the KLIA hangar, Rapid KL LRT depot, and Media Prima’s television studio, with the aim to inspire these children to be in the industry that they are studying for.The blood, sweat, and tears has been worthwhile. But the current Covid-19 pandemic has brought with it many uncertainties that impacted funding to our programs, as well as the target beneficiaries that we are serving. That is why I am now seeking your support to ensure that we can secure enough funds to be able to continue to do the work that we do in serving the needy. Through this crowdfunding effort, I am looking at raising RM10,000.00 for Persatuan Harapan Mulia that goes towards supporting the programs, activities, and needs of the organization. I sincerely hope to be able to garner your support in donating for this initiative, and thereafter share about it to enlist more supporters from your friends and families. Every bit counts!Your support would mean a lot to me, to the team at Persatuan Harapan Mulia, and most of all, to the target beneficiaries that we are supporting via our charity programs.Thank you!Yours sincerely,Yuen Juin Hoe
Out of stockJomfund_B40 is a group consisting of five undergraduate students from University of Malaya who strive for success in organising an online fundraising event named “Covid-19 Fundraiser: Helping the Less Fortunate”. The project is carried out as a part of the continuous assessment for GLT1015 Advanced Professional Writing. It is known that Covid-19 pandemic has caused a significant economic impact globally. In addition to the global crisis and economic slowdown caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, it also caused a budget crisis in Malaysian households. The unemployment of household heads and salary reduction of employees become the factors that lead to the decrease in household income of Malaysian. Being the bottom tier income earner of the country, B40 community is the most affected community during this Covid-19 pandemic.Recently, an article entitled “Covid-19 forces Malaysia’s poor to live on instant noodles, abandon school: UN Study” (South China Morning Post, 24 August 2020) has reported about the hardship of poor families due to the outbreak of Covid-19. As the consequences of the running out of savings of this community caused by great deal of debt carried and little income during the pandemic, many of them could lose access to necessities such as food and housing. Students are unable to continue school or committed fully to online class because they have no access to computers or the internet necessary for efficient e-learning. Besides, issues of malnutrition occurred as they highly depend on canned food or instant noodles to survive. Therefore, we hope that the implementation of this online fundraising event may help in reducing the burden of the B40 community during the pandemic.These are the objectives of our group project:
- To reduce the burden of the B40 community during Covid-19.
- To create awareness about Covid-19 among communities.
- To provide students came from B40 families with basic educational needs.
Out of stock對於教育,一直以来是我心中最大的遗憾!已故中国总理周恩来讲过一句话:再穷不能穷教育,再苦不能苦孩子!我Angie 黃媚菁來自巴生,是耕心慈善社区服务中心的负责人兼公关,对于我本身小时候因家境不好而读书少,我只能靠后天的努力去争取多看书学习和充实自己,小时候就常常叫姐姐帮我借学校的图书馆的书回来给我看,写日记是我唯一练习成长的方式。至到自己的二个孩子也因为家庭环境关系,导致他们都只是读到高中二而停学,这对于身为母亲的我感到很遗憾和难过。在耕心慈善社区服务中心工作中,有一项为贫困小孩补习是由我负责,当我接任了这份差事,我就希望从中可以为这些贫困小孩带来更多的学习知识和空间。从2016年5月开始学生只有区区5/6名,至到今天的50名学生,无论遇到什么难题,我都永不放弃和逃避,我都会想尽办法或向上层商讨对策的解决方案。对于贫困的家庭来说,孩子读好书无疑是家里摆脱贫困的唯一希望,而在这里也是让我可以弥补自己的孩子没有完成学业的遗憾。我希望通过宏愿慈善协会(Great Vision CHARITY)造就更多无能为力的贫困学生,能够圆他们的升学梦。 Great Vision CHARITY 是GREAT HEART 旗下专帮助贫困家庭的18岁学生升学,孤儿院的18岁孩子升学和帮助贫穷家庭的一些生活费等。我希望通过Great Vision CHARITY 让更多的人贫穷孩子能够圆他们的梦想,造就社会的栋梁。“再穷不能穷教育,再苦不能苦孩子”这句话,深深烙在了华裔的内心深处,更是一代又一代华裔潜意识中,必须传承的使命。孩子的教育实为人之根,家之幸,国之本。但愿能借用大家的正能量,大发慈悲和爱心,圆孩子们的一个梦想! 感恩的心,感恩有您!
'Lend a Hand, Lift a Heart’ a fundraising campaign conducted by a group of 10 students from Sunway University.
Come join us in making a meaningful impact on the lives of orphaned children.
We are raising a total of RM1,500 to purchase essential necessities and to organize a compassionate visit to a local Hiichiikok Foundation Orphanage.
Our mission is to guide these children towards a brighter future by providing them with the love, care, and support they deserve.
Your generous contribution will bring joy and hope to their lives.
Appreciated for helping us create a lasting, positive change.
For more inquiries:
Instagram: lendahandliftaheart
WhatsApp: +60 162288053 (Alison)
Out of stock嗨!我是FENNY在被疫情笼罩的这些日子里,有很多贫困家庭面临着断粮、断学的危机,堪比雪上加霜。常会听到有人诉说着自己在生活上的困境、很彷徨无助、因为缺乏经济能力而裹足不前等等。曾经接过一通求救电话,对方恳求希望有善心人士能够捐赠奶粉给他年幼的婴儿,因为他刚被裁员,没有多余的钱可以买奶粉。一包价值RM20左右的奶粉,对其他人而言,也许是一顿午餐的钱;但是,对于当时的他来说,可能就是“压倒骆驼的最后一根稻草”。很庆幸的是,宏愿慈善协会 (GREAT VISION CHARITY ASSOCIATION)依旧做着“陪购计划”(SHOPPING BUDDY PROGRAM),这个项目是属于一次性的资助,社工们会审查并筛选符合条件的受惠家庭,让他们获得生活上所需要的物资。除此之外,宏愿慈善协会还设有“关怀教育助学计划”(DIDIK-KASIH EDUCARE PROGRAM),目的就是希望帮助这些弱势群体的莘莘学子,减轻家长的部分负担,让孩子们可以继续他们的学业,待将来出社会谋生时,能有更多、更好的选择捐款多少不设限,您捐进来的每一分钱,我们都会无比感恩与珍惜。因为您的捐款可以让这个平台能够持续帮助更多有需要被援助的弱势群体。您愿意帮助他们吗?
Out of stockThroughout my 5 years of working experiences in a charity NGO, we did support a lot of poor families in terms of grocery, rental, medicine, transportation fee, dialysis expense, hospital surgery and equipment and so on. But as time goes by, we are seeing the bigger picture of what is the ultimate reason that are making the poor family become poorer and thehuge increment of B40 families in society, the reason that we can speculate, is the lack of good education to the next generation.Very often, the parents who have received very minimal education or no education, will mostly end up in a low-income job that is easily replaceable during economy recession (especially during MCO or CMCO), jobs such as cleaner or contract security guard or factory worker will be the first to be unemployed. What makes it worse is that they might mislead the next generation, telling them to not focusing so much on education but instead to just go work early to support the household expense. Without a good academy background, the children will mostly end up in a low-income job like their parents, and hence the cycle of poverty goes on.Which is why, Didik Kasih is a fantastic project to me personally, because it aimed to support the underprivileged families kids who liked to further study to college or university, but even though most of their tuition expenses had been covered by PTPTN, they are really worried about their accommodation expenses, transportation expenses, and food expenses when they studied in college or university.So, what really impressed me about the Didik-Kasih program from Great Vision Charity Organization, is that they will be sponsoring RM1500 start-up fee (to be used to purchase work laptop or any other necessary education expense) and RM250 monthly for their living expenses, they can use the money to cover their transportation or accommodation expenses. In the meantime, most of them are very independent I would say. They will find some part-time work such as a part-time promoter in a shopping mall in order to earn that money, for their food expenses.Throughout the GVCA supporting period that lasted for 1 year, we never ask anything in return. Instead, we will only request them to organize one charity program/event that can benefit the underprivileged category, which is also sponsored by us for the entire event expenses. We are teaching them to learn to contribute/give back to the society after they received something good from them.This program is certainly amazing and we really need your help to continuously fund us in this program, so that more and more youngster nowadays will receive the proper education, go for a better job opportunity, and ultimately end the cycle of poverty in future.
The objective to support the HiiChiiKok Foundation is to create a positive impact in the lives of those less fortunate, particularly the children residing in the orphanage. The team’s main aim revolves around raising a minimum of RM 500, which will be allocated for the purchase of daily essentials for the children, ensuring they have access to the fundamental comforts.The fundraising event will be held for a month starting 1 November until 1 December 2023.
Out of stockI've been working in Great Heart Charity for a year now! To celebrate this, I am raising funds for Persatuan Harapan Mulia, our sister NGO which is now coincidentally running the #HarapanMulia fundraising campaign.Working with the most marginalised communities in our society for a year now has, quite frankly, broken my heart. I can't pick up phone calls because I don't know how to reject people in need in place of other people in need (which is why I do social media). It is hard, and often painful, work.While I do work here, I am by no means receiving a cut from this, nor does this affect my KPI. I'm doing this because people are hurting. People are losing their jobs. The fact that I am doing this from my work from home table is a privilege that not many have, & something that Persatuan Harapan Mulia is working daily to help.My goal of RM10,000 comes nowhere close to the charity's main goal of RM500,000. However, this big goal just goes to show the big dreams that the charity has to reach out to B40 communities across the Klang Valley to supply groceries through the Rakan Shopping Program, as well as to fund the studies of underprivileged students via the Didik-Kasih EduCare Program.Should I hit my goal, I will be shaving my head (completely, fully, no hair!) as my hair is currently dyed, which means I can't donate it. To give my hair a fresh start so that it can help others in the future, is on par with how your donations will give a fresh start to those affected by poverty and the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.Donations can be made right here! Thank you so much for helping those in need.Buzz me if you need a receipt- IG: @natashyakhoo (Personal fundraiser updates here!) Email: [email protected]
Out of stockHi, I’m Munyan, I have a calling to help the needy community, and have a vision that everyone can join me in this journey.Long long time ago... (here comes the grandmother story but with a twist)At my teenage times, I was a lost soul like many of us now, living in my own world, not knowing what to expect where the future would bring me to. Yes, I was not born to be kind, caring or even know what it is like to help others. It’s a blessing to have met with my counsellor that literally changed my life (this is the twist part). She encouraged me the world needs a little more empathy.This leads me to pursue Psychology and stepping into this journey. I took a pause while writing this, asking myself did I do a good job in these 5 years? How can I do this better?The whispers in my ears hymns, ‘this is a lifelong profession, you’ll only be better’. My day job is to help someone in need (on food, education, health care needs). My night job is to help someone’s mind in need (on mental health needs).The tough day held me ponder, did humans create a system to make it hard for humans? The good day can be so simple as putting a smile on someone’s face.Throughout the journey, I'm humbled by how kindness works. I learned that the kindest people are often the ones that were once given help, and most of them are thankful and wish to pay it forward. Help comes in all forms, it could be listening to someone’s stories, an act of service, an opportunity to higher education, a job to meet ends, or a gift that inspires them.There’s no end to this story, as it’s a baton I pass on to you who has been reading this far to continue this journey with me.Support me in this crowdfunding effort to fund raise RM10,000 for Persatuan Harapan Mulia to fund for its charity programs, activities and needs of the organization for year 2021.Let’s be a part of this collective choice in investing for another person’s pursuit of happiness. Every bits count! Thank you!
Out of stock“种下一棵树,收获一片绿阴;献出一份爱心,实现一个宏愿疫情期间,我换了几份工作,漂泊不定的生活,让我情绪低落,心理上出现了巨大的波动和反常。工作的压力让我本来黑暗的生活雪上加霜。机缘巧合之下,我开始参与慈善活动,帮助有需要的人或同病相怜的人。渐渐地,我觉得从事慈善可以平息我浮躁的情绪。其实,每个人都需要支持和鼓励,社会也需要理解和关心。今年我有幸可以为宏愿慈善筹款,帮助受惠者筹未来一年的生活费和学费,我希望大家能够慷慨捐款。在复杂的世界寻求一种简单,让浮躁的心灵得到一种宁静; 在淡漠的人群寻求一种感动,让奢华的社会带来一种质朴。 Life is busy, and it can sometimes be easy to forget to show your gratitude for all that you’ve been given. When you are ready to give and are researching a charity to support, this can remind us of all that we have, and the act of donating to charity is a way to express our feelings gratitude.Successful charitable programs bring out the best in people who are seeking inspiration and purpose in life. It helps us see that a little help does go a long way. Without charity, there would be no second chances and opportunities for people and communities who need these.Every ringgit you contribute to Great Vision “Harapan Mulia” will be invested into changing the lives of communities in need. Inspire others to give generously by posting your act of kindness #harapanmulia on social media today.
Out of stockGreat Vision Charity Association has been conducting programs and activities to support the urban poor community in Malaysia.I’m all out to help to raise funds for this charity! Anyone is welcome to dare to me to do anything (write, speak, challenge, etc.) with a minimum RM100 donation to the cause, provided that it is legally and morally right, practical, not dangerous, not life-threatening and non-costly (because then I could just donate that cost to them, right?). RM100 for a dare!I’m targeting 100 dares but of course, the more the merrier!I will do the challenge in exchange for your donation. Dare me if you can! Your dare will be done in 1-2 weeks time depending on the difficulty level and number of dares received at same time. You may request your dare to be photographed, filmed, written or presented publicly or privately, as proof.After making a donation on this page, take a screenshot of it, & send it to me at [email protected] with a dare that you want me to do. I will respond to your email on the next working day!Contact me at: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JiaLi07/ WeChat: jialioon
Out of stockHi, I’m Munyan.I’m running this fundraiser for Great Vision Charity with hope to raise RM3000 to support the organisation’s charity programs for the year 2023. They are running two programs mainly Shopping Buddy Program & The Didik-Kasih EduCare Program.Rakan Shopping programs aims to aid the underprivileged B40 Malaysians with grocery aid to reduce their household burden and encouraging them a balance diet.Didik-Kasih EduCare Program- a program that funds students from underprivileged background to pursue tertiary studies at the same time transforming the students to give back to the society by mentoring them to conduct charity project.Throughout my 6 years as a social worker, I have witnessed…
- 9 out of 10 B40 families who we brought them out for grocery shopping tend to only buy rice, sugar, oil, instant noodles and eggs (no fruits and green) because they wanted to utilise the money for the biggest value to feed their family. Filling the stomach comes first while nutrition comes last.
- Youth who came from needy families were forced to work after high school to help to support the family. Education has become a privileged and they do not dare to dream further.
- A min donation of RM100 made to my fundraiser, you are entitled to receive a complementary water kefir from me. Be sure to fill up your full information so I could contact you on your water kefir redemption.
- This is to be fulfilled by end of the campaign. Self-collect/ Free delivery of Water kefir can be made at: Shah Alam/Kota Kemuning/ PJ. For other locations in Klang Valley, can be discussed, delivery fee to be borned by you.
- As water kefir is a live probiotic culture drink, logistic would be challenging for other state. However, you may choose to donate your gift. I will assist to donate your gift to B40 families under our care.
Out of stockMy Journey into the Charity World I had never thought a career break in 2013 would lead me to this path, working in a charity organisation. Many people said it would be a waste for young people to work in a charity organisation and we should only do this when we reached retirement age. So initially, I thought, maybe I can work for 2 years in a charity organisation and gain some experience before moving on and deciding again on what I want to do in my life.Now, with the year 2021 fast approaching, it marks my 7th year serving in a charity organisation. It is a truly remarkable and fulfilling journey and undoubtably has been the best years of my life. But I also came to the realisation that there seems to be no end in solving the ever-growing social problems in our society.Sometimes, I will ask myself, should I give up? But the thought that NGOs are the last hope that the underprivileged have makes me hesitated. Even though we cannot help everyone, but at least we managed to lift the lives of someone. Those lives whom we managed to touch, we gave them assurance that the society still cares and has not given up on them. The realisation that the society needs us had motivated me to continue on this journey and never give up easily. It has also made me realised that living a life with the purpose to serve is a lifelong journey that is worth pursuing for.When there is a will, there is a way. And like-minded people do come together to make it work. This is how more and more charity programs have mushroomed up along the years to benefit more and more underprivileged groups from our society, through different charity arms, among which Great Heart Charity Association, Great Vision Charity Association, Geng Xin Tang, and Earth Warriors Association are some, just to name a few. Alone, we cannot do much, but with the help of generous donors and kind-hearted volunteers like yourself, we have made it thus far. There is still a long and uncertain road ahead, especially with the Covid-19 pandemic looming. Many are impacted by it, especially the vulnerable group of our society. The survival of NGOs at times like this are especially critical as they are the last bastion of support that the underprivileged groups of our society can go to.I am currently supporting a fundraising campaign for Great Vision Charity Association, with the aim to raise enough funds to sustain their operation and be able to continue providing help to the vulnerable groups of our society in the coming year 2021. Do support and share it out if you agree that as part of the society, everyone plays a role and has the responsibility to make it a better one for all.Introduction to Great Vision Charity Association (GVCA) Great Vision Charity Association (GVCA) aims to educate and inspire the underprivileged communities through 2 of its main programs: Rakan Shopping Program and Didik-Kasih EduCare Program.Through the Rakan Shopping Program, besides getting groceries for the needy, volunteers play a role to impart knowledge on how to make better purchase decisions to the B40 communities during the shopping process with the beneficiaries. It is sad to know that many from the B40 community do not have any idea on how to manage their finances at all, which makes them very vulnerable in a society with so much uncertainties. I am also surprised to find out many of them do not even have the opportunity to purchase their daily necessities from supermarkets, which sometimes offer better and cheaper food prices. Other than this, the Rakan Shopping Program also acts as an outreach program for GVCA to identify beneficiaries that might require further intervention or help. For example, the children from poor families who wish to continue their studies in tertiary education will have the opportunity to participate in the Didik-Kasih EduCare Program, which helps to relief the family’s burden as they will be receiving monthly study allowance during the course of the program.Didik-Kasih EduCare Program has helped many underprivileged children continue their tertiary studies instead of dropping out after Form 5 and becoming problematic youths. They are at such an innocent age, with high chances for them to be led into the wrong path that will destroy their life. Participants in the Didik-Kasih EduCare Program has the opportunity to learn how to give back to the society by planning and organising a charity event under their respective mentor’s guidance. And they will be the role model for their brothers and sisters, which makes them become a more mature and responsible young adult after they have successfully completed the program. The proudest moment will be how the participants have changed their life from at-risk youths to confident young adults with hopes and dreams. I hope many more can benefit from this program.Conclusion All programs under GVCA are meaningful and focus to solve society’s problems by bringing care, hopes, and dreams to the underprivileged. It requires support from everyone, including volunteers and donors, to make it successful and sustainable. Therefore, we hope to gather the support from everyone for this fundraising campaign, and to help us to share the campaign out so that more are aware of the meaningful programs run by GVCA.No one has ever become poor by giving. A fulfilled life can only be attained if one has utterly understood the meaning of giving. Wishing everyone the best of health and staying safe in this challenging time.Thank you.Warmest Regards, Peggy Chang
Out of stock那年我十八岁,读完SPM之后本来想继续学习的,无奈当时的经济条件不允许,所以就出来社 会工作了。回想起来,如果当时可以继续学习的话,也许会更好。“教育可以改变命运”这句老掉牙的话,它不是没有根据的。显然,在这个社会上还是有许多没被幸运之神眷顾的孩子。他们来自贫困家庭、单亲家庭,有 者甚至是无双亲的孩子们,想继续学习但却因为缺乏经济能力而裹足不前。您们愿意帮助这些 孩子吗?宏愿慈善协会 (GREAT VISION CHARITY ASSOCIATION) 有一个项目叫做“关怀教育助学计划 ”(DIDIK-KASIH EDUCARE PROGRAM),就是帮助弱势群体的孩子们,让他们有机会可以继续学习 ,学习一技之长,将来踏入社会时可以找份适合自己的工作,养活自己并成为有能力回馈社会 的一份子。除此之外,还有帮助贫困家庭采购干粮杂货,这项目属于一次性的资助。宏愿慈善协会会筛选 符合要求的受惠家庭,并让他们获得生活上需要的物资。
Out of stockUpdate 2: Thank you all donors for making it possible to reach my targeted RM20k in funds raised for the #HarapanMulia campaign. As pledged, I have made a 10km run to mark the occasion, and completed the run at 1:12:10, in a little over an hour. Although tiring and feeling the muscle soreness now, the run has been worthwhile as with the funds contributed from my campaign, it means that we are RM20k closer in reaching the main campaign goal of raising RM450k to enable Great Vision Charity to continue its intended programs in 2023 to serve the needy. The main #HarapanMulia campaign is not over yet, so for those who would still like to extend your much-needed kind and generous support, please feel free to do so. Thank you!Update 1: Thank you for all your support which enable me to reach my fundraising target. However, as the #HarapanMulia 2022 Fundraiser has yet to reach its target, I will continue my fundraiser to try and reach RM20,000 in funds raised. If I am able to reach RM20k, I will be making a 10km run to mark the occasion. So, looking forward to receiving your support!..................................................................................................................The past 2 years has been a wild and emotional ride for many of us. It has been a period of both loss and also gain. We initially loss our freedom of movement, and restrictions to the way that we normally do things. But from the loss comes new ideas and approaches to move forward, growing and learning along the way from the steep learning curve, as how it has to be. As the saying goes, life finds a way and life goes on.From a personal perspective, we changed the approach on how we do things, from the need to be physically presence to reach out to our targeted beneficiaries, to become the hands and feet of our beneficiaries when they are restricted in their movements to within their housing compound. This was what happened for our Shopping Buddy program, where from initially bringing out the urban poor families and accompanying them to get their household groceries, we have now adapted to getting the list of needed groceries from each families by way of phone call, and going to the hypermarket to shop for the list of requested items before sending it over to the families, so that the needs of the underserved are still taken care of even when their movements are restricted. We even increased the number of supported families every month during this period, seeing the high number of families affected by the pandemic and economic uncertainties, from the initial 10 families per month, to a high of 80 families per month during the peak of the pandemic. We are now averaging 20 families per month this year for the Shopping Buddy program, hoping that the little assistance that was provided will at least alleviate the burden of the families, some of which are single mothers, working a few jobs to make a living so that they could feed their young children.On the positives side, it also heartens me that despite all the challenges the pandemic and lockdown are affecting our lives, some of the students under our Didik-Kasih EduCare program have continued to progress well in their studies. One who is majoring in Fine Arts had just completed his impressive artwork exhibition recently, while another is expected to be completing his aircraft maintenance technician license program by year end.We will not have been able to extend our support and services to all the beneficiaries under our care without the kind support and donations from our generous donors, such as yourself. It is undeniable that the economic uncertainties had certainly affected some of our existing donors’ capability to continue their support to us financially. We are also unable to conduct large scale physical fundraisers with the limitations. Thus, with the new norm, we have been adapting to the online crowdfunding method so that we will be able to have the funds necessary to continue running our range of charity programs and projects. With crowdfunding, everyone is able to support our programs, with as little or as much as they would like to, from the comfort of their own home.That is why I will be acting as one of the fundraisers to raise RM13,000.00 in support of the #HarapanMulia fundraiser so that Great Vision Charity Association will get to continue running our charity programs without disruption in 2023. I hope to be able to garner your warm and generous support, as we strive to inspire and empower less fortunate people via education and awareness, so that the underprivileged groups under our care will recognise their potential, and go from being takers to givers.Thank you for taking time to read my write up, and hoping to gather your much needed crucial support.Warm regards,Yuen
Out of stockHello peeps! I'm Shayne from Great Vision Charity Association. I hope you're having a meaningful day like mine aiming to make a positive impact on someone's life :) Speaking of which, join me by donating to this meaningful fundraising campaign which fund will be used in our monthly Rakan Shopping Program and Didik-Kasih EduCare Program.Despite current economical turmoil and uncertainties due to the pandemic, Great Vision has been supporting the less fortunate that wishes to further their studies to the tertiary level. We provide start-up assistance and a monthly allowance to cover their living expenses throughout their studies. Furthermore, this program's main purpose is to give exposure to successful applicants for them to build connections with people from relevant industries. At the same time, building a network when they organise charity activities while learning soft skills such as project management and proposal writing.Moving on to Rakan Shopping Program, we conduct this program on the third Saturday of every month. Cash vouchers will be handed out to 10 underprivileged families for a grocery shopping session with the volunteers. This program is conducted by Great Vision and other associations in a bid to ease the burden of the less fortunate families and influencing members of the public to volunteer for charity events.I am currently fundraising for Great Vision in hopes that the good deeds can continue running as we move forward to 2021. With your kind donation, you are supporting the ambitious students to fight for their future, reduce poverty and provide warm hearty meals for the families under our care. They may not have much as they are working for minimum wage, hence we are doing the best we can to give them a helping hand :)May all of us bask in the gifts life provided, stay healthy and stay safe!
Out of stockDear kind-hearted donors,We are a group of Inti Nilai student from Group 5 Community Service. We are running the raised fund for Rakan Shopping Program.Rakan Shopping Program run by the Great Vision Charity Association an organization dedicated to improving the lives of underprivileged communities. We are currently running a fundraising to support 20 low-income families from PPR Hicom who desperately need our help.These families have been selected based on their financial situation, and they receive grocery assistance to help alleviate some of the burden of their financial struggles. With your support, we can ensure that these families have access to basic necessities and improve their quality of life.We understand that times are tough for everyone, but the families we are supporting are facing unprecedented challenges. The ongoing pandemic has resulted in job losses, reduced income, and increased expenses. As a result, many low-income families are struggling to put food on the table and pay for basic necessities like rent and utilities.Your donation, no matter how small, can make a significant difference in the lives of these families. It can provide them with the resources they need to survive and thrive during these challenging times. We believe that everyone deserves access to basic necessities, and your contribution can help us make this a reality for the families we are supporting.We appreciate your kindness and generosity in supporting our fundraising. Your donation will go a long way in helping us achieve our goal of improving the lives of underprivileged communities.Thank you for your support.
Kami, pelajar-pelajar Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI) dari kumpulan 2 kursus UPU3412 Kesukarelawanan (I) akan menganjurkan sebuah program untuk membantu pelajar-pelajar yang kurang berkemampuan dengan memberikan keperluan barangan asas bagi meringankan beban mereka.
dengan rasa rendah hati ingin mengalu-alukan sumbangan seikhlas hati daripada anda semua. Kutipan dana ini dilakukan bagi membantu kumpulan kami menambahkan dana bagi menjalankan Program “ Street Groceries and Food Contribution”.
Oleh itu, marilah kita sama-sama menghulurkan bantuan agar dapat membantu meringankan beban pelajar-pelajar yang kurang berkemampuan. Seterusnya, kami berharap agar program ini dapat berjalan dengan jayanya.
Out of stockThe journey of self-discoveryMy life changed when I first realised the impermanence of all things 10 years ago. I decided to spend my time more meaningfully with a switch from working in the corporate world to working in a charity NGO. The switch allowed me to open my eyes and see the real world up-close and personal. This has also accelerated myself to be who I am today; grateful and happy.It is not easy when you try to push yourself out of your comfort zone. New challenges arise in all forms and patterns almost on a daily basis when you work in a charity organisation, but that is also exactly what makes living our life worthwhile; getting the experience and learning opportunities that comes with it! Other than the fulfilment you get with having successfully solving each of the challenges, the opportunity to watch the appreciative smile on other people’s face will always makes us feel that the time and effort spent is well worth it! We might or might not have changed the beneficiary’s life through our one single action, but the heart of everyone involved, including those of the volunteers has changed, whether they realised it or not.You will only grow stronger after you have learnt how to give truthfully and love everything that happens in your life. Gratitude and appreciation are what made our life beautiful. Getting involved in charity works and helping others will accentuate your ability to realise this.When I looked back, after years of working in a charity NGO, my biggest takeaway is when you truly learnt how to give, regardless of love, time, nor money, the biggest beneficiary is always yourself, not others. So, learn to be a giver starting today! I am targeting to help raise RM3,000 for Great Vision Charity Association’s ongoing charity programs “Shopping Buddy Program” and “Didik-Kasih EduCare Program” to ensure it can continue to run smoothly in the year 2023. Do support my #HarapanMulia fundraiser now!P/S: To make it a FUNraiser and to give myself another new challenge, I have decided to conduct a Mini Terrarium workshop for my lovely donors who supported my fundraiser with a minimum donation of RM300 and above. Only 10 slots are available. Kindly let me know if you want to secure your slots in the workshop. First come first served! Have fun while doing good! :)Thank you!Regards,Peggy
Out of stockBreaking down the public stereotypes of lawyersDo you think that lawyers start billing you for every minute he or she spends thinking or talking about your case? Have you ever been told that lawyers are manipulative and taking advantage of situations?At some point, people find themselves admitting that they need legal advise from a lawyer but they are worrying of the expensive bill for legal advise. Public stereotypes of lawyers can be overwhelming, but today only with RM100 you would be able to support the charity work of NGO Great Vision Charity Association helping the underprivileged community AND enjoy 35-minutes legal advise with a practicing lawyer cum legal advisor of Great Vision Charity Association.All proceeds will be fully contributed to the charity work of Great Vision Charity Association which includes grocery aid to B40 underprivileged community and study aid to support underprivileged students’ education. Terms & Conditions of Legal Advise Session
- Limits to 30 pax.
- Minimum donation to enjoy the 35-minutes legal advise is RM100.
- The 35-minutes legal advise session would be conducted by way of telephone conversation. Face-to-face sessions could be provided upon request (subject to availability).
- For Donors who wish to enjoy the 35-minutes legal advise session, kindly email your name, contact number and proof of donation to [email protected]. Failure to do so would be deemed to have not interested to participate in the 35-minutes legal advise session.
- If Donors wish to support this program but do not want to enjoy the 35-minutes legal advise session, no problem, we welcome any amount of donations.
- The 35-minutes legal advise session ONLY serves as preliminary advise for your legal issue.
- By joining this 35-minutes legal advise session, you AGREE that no ‘client-solicitor’ relationship is formed and our legal advisor shall not be held responsible and/or liable for any legal advise given.
- Our legal advisor is only able to dispense legal advise within her expertise and/or your issue is not a complicated legal issue.
- We will protect your privacy and keep your information safe.
- 只限首30位捐助者。
- 享有35分钟法律咨询的最低捐款为RM100。
- 35分钟的法律咨询将通过电话交谈进行,可以应要求提供面对面35分钟的法律咨询(视情况而定)。
- 若想享用35分钟法律咨询的捐助者,请将您的姓名,联系电话和捐款证明通过电子邮件发送至[email protected]。 否则,将被视为没有兴趣享用35分钟的法律咨询。
- 如果捐助者希望支持该募捐计划,但又不想参与35分钟的法律咨询,没问题,我们欢迎您提供任何数额的捐助。
- 35分钟的法律咨询仅作为您法律问题的初步建议。
- 通过参加此35分钟的法律咨询,即表示您同意您与我们的法律顾问不形成任何“客户-律师”关系,我们的法律顾问对所提供的任何法律建议概不负责。
- 我们的法律顾问只能在其专业知识以及领域范围内提供法律咨询或是您的问题不是属于复杂的法律问题.
- 我们将保护您的隐私并确保您的信息安全。
Out of stockHelp me support my favourite NGO! :)I've always been a frequent volunteer for Great Vision Charity Association (GVCA)'s Shopping Buddy Program, which is a program that aims to assist the B40 community. Throughout my experience of volunteering with GVCA, I am constantly amazed by the effort and passion they share to provide for the beneficiaries that are under their care. Thus, I always make myself available in many of their events, simply because I believe in the way they do things. Moreover, GVCA has always been transparent on the funds they received from donors, detailing every penny that goes into each programs, so you can rest assured the donations are in good hands.This round, GVCA is looking to raise RM500k to continue their charity programs in year 2021. Breakdown as below:• Shopping Buddy Program - RM42 k • Didik-Kasih EduCare Program - RM 218k • Charity Program Facilitation - RM 110 k • Operating Expenditure - RM 130 kRakan Shopping Program would be the program I participated in the most, it aims to support the B40 communities by taking care of their monthly groceries needs. With groceries paid for, families can then focus on paying off overdue bills, medical fees, as well as the educational costs for their kids. Hopefully, it'll be able to ease the burden of the families, and to create a better lifestyle for them.The Didik-Kasih EduCare program is a study aid that aims to assist those who wishes to further their tertiary studies by providing them with a start-up assistance and monthly allowance to cover his / her living expenses while studying throughout the period of assistance. The program also aims to influence and inspire successful applicants to give back to the society by getting involved in and organizing charity activities.My 1st goal: To raise RM 2000.If the target is reached, I want to challenge myself to go vegan for 2 weeks, and in the process of doing so, document it and share it with my friends. Hopefully, in the future, I'll be able to practice a lifestyle that reduces the environmental impact by eating meat-free meals as part of my weekly routine.Let's help each other out in times of crisis!
Donation: RM50 – RM2000
The Didik-Kasih EduCare program is a study aid that aims to assist the underprivileged who wishes to further their tertiary studies by providing them with a startup assistance and monthly allowance to cover his / her living expenses while studying throughout the period of assistance. The program also aims to influence and inspire successful applicants to give back to the society by getting involved in and organizing charity activities.Target beneficiary
Children from orphanages and underprivileged families age 17 and above who has enrolled in or being accepted in any local public or private institute of higher learning.Pengenalan
Program Didik-Kasih EduCare merupakan satu bantuan pengajian yang bertujuan untuk membantu golongan kurang bernasib baik yang ingin melanjutkan pengajian tinggi mereka dengan menyediakan bantuan permulaan dan elaun bulanan untuk menampung perbelanjaan sara hidup mereka semasa tempoh pembelajaran. Program ini juga bertujuan untuk mempengaruhi dan memberi inspirasi kepada pemohon yang berjaya untuk berbakti kepada masyarakat dengan melibatkan diri dalam kegiatan dan menganjurkan aktiviti amal.Benefisiari sasaran
Kanak-kanak dari rumah anak yatim dan keluarga yang kurang bernasib berumur 17 tahun dan ke atas yang telah mendaftar atau diterima di mana-mana institusi pengajian tinggi awam atau swasta tempatan. -
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Service Pillar of Golden Key Society Multimedia University is a youth organization operating under Golden Key Society from Multimedia University Melaka Campus that aims to relieve poverty by providing basic amenities for people in need, protect the environment, safeguard animal welfare and encourage community development.
In 2024, we have taken up this challenge to organize the Charity Night: Lights of Hope in collaboration with non-governmental organizations which are Handicapped & Mentally Disabled Children Center Melaka.
This event creates opportunities for persons with disabilities to showcase the ways they navigate and excel in their daily lives.
We are a group of students from Sunway University. We are currently doing a project that raise funds for Rumah Hope which is a sanctuary for abused, neglected, and under-privileged children.We hope that our insignificant donation can bring some warmth to the childrens in the orphanage, giving them better childhood memories. Times are tough for everyone especially when you’ve lost both of your parents during your childhood. Therefore, we are here to support them with what we can offer. We appreciate your kindness and generosity by supporting our fund raising.A little goes a long way!For more inquiries: Instagram: sandralyt_02 Phone no.: 012-4440921Thank you for your support.Fundraising Target: RM 1000Fundraising Period: 23 October to 12 November 2023
“A New Hope, A Greater Future”, a fund-raising campaign organized by Sunway University School of Hospitality and Service Management students. Our aim is to raise funds of RM 1,000.00, which would allow us to purchase daily necessities such as daily products, school supplies and stationery as well for Rumah Ozanam Klang. As University students, we would love to contribute and engage in this event to the best of our abilities as well as lending a hand to the unfortunates. Throughout the event, with the key activities that we were planning to do so, we hope that the children would be happy to continue their interest in learning as education is a very important aspect of our lives. Thus, we do hope that our contributions bring good support to the children. Nevertheless, with a small support from each person, we believe that every contribution helps a lot.Fundraising Target: RM 1,000.00Fundraising Period: 20th October to 10th November 2023
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Pada tahun ini, kami mahasiswa/i Kolej Ungku Omar, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) akan menganjurkan program Anak Muda Nadi Malaysia Edisi ke-9 yang bertempat di Taiping, Perak bagi membina ukhwah silaturahim bersama anak-anak yatim di Pondok Pengajian dan Tarbiah Ukhrowi.
Hasrat NADI bagi menyantuni anak-anak ini dengan mengambil inisiatif melibatkan komuniti kampung berdekatan menjalankan aktiviti bergotong-royong, rewang serta aktiviti sukaneka yang mendekatkan masyarakat bersama dengan anak-anak pondok.
Dengan rendah hati, kami mengalu-alukan sumbangan orang ramai dengan seikhlas hati bagi memberi sumbangan dana agar program Anak Muda Nadi Malaysia Edisi-9 dapat berjalan lancar dengan jayanya.
Mari bersama- sama menyumbang agar dapat memberi tenaga dan impak yang positif kepada anak-anak pondok di sana.
Out of stock嗨,我是Isabella。认识我的人都知道有我的出现,就是散发正能量的时候了~疫情严重性已慢慢舒缓,大家都学习着如何与病毒共存,相信各路义工们已万事俱备只欠东风了吧?这次有幸参与 宏愿慈善协会 的筹款活动,帮助弱势群体们在家庭开销孩子学费上减轻负担。我本身也是来自弱势家庭,知道这些津贴对于我们来说是很大的帮助,所以在受的同时我也学习着如何施出幸福。捐款数额没有限制,每一份都是来自你们的祝福,大家一起付出力量吧!
Out of stockHi! I'm Andrew. It’s been more than 1 year since I have been a full-time social worker! I always believe “Love and kindness are our light, guiding us through times of darkness”.I started “Donate a Chance”, because I realise most underprivilege they’re not given the chance to expose to opportunities, such as education, jobs, circle of friends and etc.It breaks my heart to see so many people still living in poverty and yet not doing anything, so it is a moral thing to help them, so that we really do something in this world. I believe everyone deserve a chance, give them the hope and the chance to complete their life without any obstacles.Why I joined this initiative? Many teenagers they have a bright future ahead of them, but opportunity is what they’re always lacking off.I personally love Didik Kasih EduCare program, a lot. It helps the student from lower income family to support the things that they are really lacking of. Indirectly, they are also lowering the families’ burden, while their children are able to pursue for a higher learning education.Being as a college/university student has never been easy. Aside from the academically stress, even if you are being fully sponsored on your academic, you will still need extra income to live, even if you are having mix rice or Maggie goreng every day. It adds up to an average of RM10.00 a day, just for a meal. What about the rental? Utilities bill? Transport? This may cause extra stress to the student which possible to distract them from their studies.I’m a passionate and driven person. I thrive on challenges and constantly setting goals for myself, so I have something to strive towards. In this case, I always strive to “give” more to the others in need, to help others in need!Join me in showing lights to more of the people who need our help!
Out of stockHi everyone!Korang tahu tak sambung belajar ke peringkat university/kolej adalah satu hak yang istimewa bukan semua orang boleh dapat?Saya, Faraheen, saya dah bekerja lebih dari 1 tahun di bidang charity (kerja amal) di Great Heart Charity Association (GHCA) dan saya dah pernah lihat berapa ramai sahabat2 baya saya atau adik-adik saya yang tiada hak istimewa ini disebabkan keadaan kewangan keluarga mereka yang tidak mengizinkan.Tapi, salah sebuah organisasi di bawah GHCA iaitu Great Vision (GV), mereka telah membantu ramai pelajar yang berasal daripada keluarga yang kurang berkemampuan untuk melanjutkan pelajaran mereka dengan memberi bantuan kewangan dari segi duit sara hidup bulanan dan juga mengajar pelajar-pelajar tersebut bagaimana untuk merancang dan melaksanakan program amal dibantu oleh wakil-wakil daripada GV.Bagi saya, apa yang dilakukan oleh GV dapat memberi impak yang mendalam. Jangan terkejut ye kawan-kawan, pelajar mungkin boleh mohon bantuan untuk membayar yuran pengajian dan mendapat sedikit extra untuk sara hidup tapi cukup ke tanpa duit tambahan dari ibu bapa? Ramai tak yang terpaksa ikat perut demi tidak mahu menyusahkan ibu bapa mereka? Memang ramai, saya juga pernah lalui situasi ini dahulu.Oleh itu saya skrg sedang melakukan kutipan derma supaya GV dapat terus membantu pelajar-pelajar yang memerlukan lagi-lagi di waktu ekonomi gawat skrg. RM100, RM10, even RM1 sekali pun sangat-sangat kami hargai kerana kebaikan anda sekarang, dapat mengubah masa depan orang lain. Satu ayat yang saya pegang dari dulu, kita tidak akan miskin dengan menderma.
Out of stockHi, I'm Wei Siang. It is my pleasure to be one of the fundraiser for Harapan Mulia!It's been eight years since i first volunteered for great vision, a trustworthy charity organisation that is well managed by a group of professional committees and was always supported by a wonderful bunch of people.Rakan Shopping Program and Didik-Kasih EduCare Program is two of the main charity programs run by Great Vision to provide financial aid to those underprivileged families, do check out the program details from official webpage and you will know how your little act of kindness will make a huge impact to the B40 needies!Life is busy, and it can sometimes be easy to forget to show your gratitude for all that you’ve been given. Since you are here reading my write up, please just click on the donation button to make a difference!It's not how much we give but how much love we put into giving, thank you for your kind blessing and support!
Out of stock“助”和“贫”,这两字相信是我们今年在媒体最常看到的字眼。因为疫情,让很多低收入的弱势群体陷入生活的窘境。因为疫情,社会涌现了很多的善心人士,在逆境中雪中送炭,帮助有需要的人。贫困是怎样的?我以前的想象就是,三餐不稳定,没有自己的交通工具和房子,没有储蓄,没有多余的钱购买自己想要的东西。早期参加了缅泰辽边界的慈善活动, 加上这几年去了几个严重弱后的原住民村庄,以及常接触一些国内外弱势群体。我觉得以前的想象是多么的狭窄和无知,其实贫困所涉及身心灵的煎熬,会逐渐消耗自己对人生正面的积极与前进。贫困是可以被消除的,当然不能永远单靠慈善团体,最久远的实际方式是教育下一代的青年。辅青是我对于这个Didik Kasih Educare Program 的华语诠释,这计划是辅助来自孤儿院或者贫困家庭的好学青年有机会完成大学课程,未来可以独立开创自己的人生,将来也能以感恩的心回馈社会。慈善 = 一个机会,不管是给与或接受的人,都是机会的开沿。我希望透过这篇的书写,能鼓励大家发挥善心,支持明年Persatuan Harapan Mulia(宏愿慈善协会) 的2个慈善项目- Rakan Shopping (陪购计划-捐赠日常用品给与贫困家庭) & Didik Kasih Educare Program(关爱教育助学金计划)捐款多少不设限,希望大家伸出援手,让这个机会的平台能够受惠更多需要的弱势群体。耕心慈善协会活动策划组长 鄧妙慧 启
Out of stockHello everyone,Am NianShan here..Here I want to share a very meaningful things with all my relatives and friends. Because of the epidemic, many families or people are facing many problems and crisis. I not forcing everyone to donate just like I did. I just hoping if we can help out why not just help out whichever we can. There’s no need a big amount for your donation just donate whatever amount that you want it! Let the world become colourful like last time. A big thank you to Great Vision for the fundraising. Thank you to those people for the donations!