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    Fundraiser by Phoebe for #HarapanMulia

    RM 10,945.77


    RM 3,000.00 Goal

    25 Donors

    “种下一棵树,收获一片绿阴;献出一份爱心,实现一个宏愿疫情期间,我换了几份工作,漂泊不定的生活,让我情绪低落,心理上出现了巨大的波动和反常。工作的压力让我本来黑暗的生活雪上加霜。机缘巧合之下,我开始参与慈善活动,帮助有需要的人或同病相怜的人。渐渐地,我觉得从事慈善可以平息我浮躁的情绪。其实,每个人都需要支持和鼓励,社会也需要理解和关心。今年我有幸可以为宏愿慈善筹款,帮助受惠者筹未来一年的生活费和学费,我希望大家能够慷慨捐款。在复杂的世界寻求一种简单,让浮躁的心灵得到一种宁静; 在淡漠的人群寻求一种感动,让奢华的社会带来一种质朴。 Life is busy, and it can sometimes be easy to forget to show your gratitude for all that you’ve been given. When you are ready to give and are researching a charity to support, this can remind us of all that we have, and the act of donating to charity is a way to express our feelings gratitude.Successful charitable programs bring out the best in people who are seeking inspiration and purpose in life. It helps us see that a little help does go a long way. Without charity, there would be no second chances and opportunities for people and communities who need these.Every ringgit you contribute to Great Vision “Harapan Mulia” will be invested into changing the lives of communities in need. Inspire others to give generously by posting your act of kindness #harapanmulia on social media today.
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    助贫。辅青 by Tan Mew Wai for #HarapanMulia

    Minimum Donation RM 1.00

    RM 946.00


    RM 10,000.00 Goal

    11 Donors

    “助”和“贫”,这两字相信是我们今年在媒体最常看到的字眼。因为疫情,让很多低收入的弱势群体陷入生活的窘境。因为疫情,社会涌现了很多的善心人士,在逆境中雪中送炭,帮助有需要的人。贫困是怎样的?我以前的想象就是,三餐不稳定,没有自己的交通工具和房子,没有储蓄,没有多余的钱购买自己想要的东西。早期参加了缅泰辽边界的慈善活动, 加上这几年去了几个严重弱后的原住民村庄,以及常接触一些国内外弱势群体。我觉得以前的想象是多么的狭窄和无知,其实贫困所涉及身心灵的煎熬,会逐渐消耗自己对人生正面的积极与前进。贫困是可以被消除的,当然不能永远单靠慈善团体,最久远的实际方式是教育下一代的青年。辅青是我对于这个Didik Kasih Educare Program 的华语诠释,这计划是辅助来自孤儿院或者贫困家庭的好学青年有机会完成大学课程,未来可以独立开创自己的人生,将来也能以感恩的心回馈社会。慈善 = 一个机会,不管是给与或接受的人,都是机会的开沿。我希望透过这篇的书写,能鼓励大家发挥善心,支持明年Persatuan Harapan Mulia(宏愿慈善协会) 的2个慈善项目- Rakan Shopping (陪购计划-捐赠日常用品给与贫困家庭) & Didik Kasih Educare Program(关爱教育助学金计划)捐款多少不设限,希望大家伸出援手,让这个机会的平台能够受惠更多需要的弱势群体。耕心慈善协会活动策划组长 鄧妙慧 启
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    Fundraiser by Danny Tan for #HarapanMulia

    RM 10,510.00


    RM 10,000.00 Goal

    6 Donors

    大家好!我是来自巴生的Danny Tan认识我的人都知道我对于慈善总是默默的去施,默默的支持,也从不大事宣扬。因为总是觉得只要做好事,是不必让人知道的。在一个偶然的机会下,我看到了一则马云说“公益哲学”:低调做慈善,高调做公益。 公益的职责就是唤醒每个人心中的善良,公益需要钱,但光有钱是远远不够的,公益是在于参与,是在于点点滴滴的行动。公益和慈善的不同恰恰在于:可以低调做慈善,但一定要高调做公益。因为慈善是个人的事,而公益在于唤醒,唤醒人内心的善良。慈善和公益是息息相关的,只要心中有爱,做公益、做慈善都是人生一辈子中最大的福报。
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    Fundraiser by Angie Ng for #HarapanMulia

    RM 30,500.00


    RM 3,000.00 Goal

    66 Donors

    我是Angie Ng,来自巴生,在GREAT HEART不知不觉中服务已经6年多了,时间过的真快!在这6年里,除了自己办的活动之外,我也参与其他同事主办的活动,对于Great Vision我也参与了无数次的陪购,Great Vision也是GREAT HEART旗下的姐妹,援助包含了:教育助学计划、每月的陪购计划等等。人生不能等的3件事:一、孝順不能等。二、行善不能等。三、教育不能等。人这一生,最常做的事就是等,等有钱了 ,等有空了,等将来 ,等以后 ,等下次,等来等去,留下的是遗憾。 在此呼吁大家,让我们一起为慈善为教育出发,您们的一人一份力量~就是推动无限正能量!🙏🏻感恩的心 感谢有您🙏🏻
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    Fundraiser by Shayne Khoo for #HarapanMulia

    Minimum Donation RM 1.00

    RM 3,618.00


    RM 10,000.00 Goal

    20 Donors

    Hello peeps! I'm Shayne from Great Vision Charity Association. I hope you're having a meaningful day like mine aiming to make a positive impact on someone's life :) Speaking of which, join me by donating to this meaningful fundraising campaign which fund will be used in our monthly Rakan Shopping Program and Didik-Kasih EduCare Program.Despite current economical turmoil and uncertainties due to the pandemic, Great Vision has been supporting the less fortunate that wishes to further their studies to the tertiary level. We provide start-up assistance and a monthly allowance to cover their living expenses throughout their studies. Furthermore, this program's main purpose is to give exposure to successful applicants for them to build connections with people from relevant industries. At the same time, building a network when they organise charity activities while learning soft skills such as project management and proposal writing.Moving on to Rakan Shopping Program, we conduct this program on the third Saturday of every month. Cash vouchers will be handed out to 10 underprivileged families for a grocery shopping session with the volunteers. This program is conducted by Great Vision and other associations in a bid to ease the burden of the less fortunate families and influencing members of the public to volunteer for charity events.I am currently fundraising for Great Vision in hopes that the good deeds can continue running as we move forward to 2021. With your kind donation, you are supporting the ambitious students to fight for their future, reduce poverty and provide warm hearty meals for the families under our care. They may not have much as they are working for minimum wage, hence we are doing the best we can to give them a helping hand :)May all of us bask in the gifts life provided, stay healthy and stay safe!
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    Fundraiser by Shayne for #HarapanMulia

    RM 750.00


    RM 3,000.00 Goal

    8 Donors

    It has been 5 years since I actively participate in the charity field. My parents had taught us the importance of giving back to society by bringing us to volunteer in orphanages and old folks' homes frequently. After graduation, I started working with a wide range of beneficiaries and found out that the root cause of poverty is a lack of proper education within the community.To improve their living condition, Great Vision has been supporting the underprivileged scholars that wish to further their studies at the tertiary level via Didik Kasih Program. It provides start-up assistance and a monthly allowance to support underprivileged students to pursue higher education as they lack financial support for their living expenses. Other than financial support, Great Vision provides the opportunity for the students to conduct their own charity projects based on their field of expertise to benefit more underprivileged individuals while learning soft skills such as project management and proposal writing at the same time.Other than Didik Kasih Program, Rakan Shopping Program is conducted every month to reduce the burden on underprivileged families living in PPR (Project Perumahan Rakyat). Cash vouchers will be handed to underprivileged families for a grocery shopping session with the volunteers.I’m currently fundraising for Great Vision in hopes to light up the lives of even more underprivileged individuals that are fighting for their future. Join me by donating to this meaningful campaign and show your support to our beloved beneficiaries ❤️
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    Fundraiser by Angie Ng for #HarapanMulia

    Minimum Donation RM 1.00

    RM 10,500.00


    RM 10,000.00 Goal

    47 Donors

    對於教育,一直以来是我心中最大的遗憾!已故中国总理周恩来讲过一句话:再穷不能穷教育,再苦不能苦孩子!我Angie 黃媚菁來自巴生,是耕心慈善社区服务中心的负责人兼公关,对于我本身小时候因家境不好而读书少,我只能靠后天的努力去争取多看书学习和充实自己,小时候就常常叫姐姐帮我借学校的图书馆的书回来给我看,写日记是我唯一练习成长的方式。至到自己的二个孩子也因为家庭环境关系,导致他们都只是读到高中二而停学,这对于身为母亲的我感到很遗憾和难过。在耕心慈善社区服务中心工作中,有一项为贫困小孩补习是由我负责,当我接任了这份差事,我就希望从中可以为这些贫困小孩带来更多的学习知识和空间。从2016年5月开始学生只有区区5/6名,至到今天的50名学生,无论遇到什么难题,我都永不放弃和逃避,我都会想尽办法或向上层商讨对策的解决方案。对于贫困的家庭来说,孩子读好书无疑是家里摆脱贫困的唯一希望,而在这里也是让我可以弥补自己的孩子没有完成学业的遗憾。我希望通过宏愿慈善协会(Great Vision CHARITY)造就更多无能为力的贫困学生,能够圆他们的升学梦。 Great Vision CHARITY 是GREAT HEART 旗下专帮助贫困家庭的18岁学生升学,孤儿院的18岁孩子升学和帮助贫穷家庭的一些生活费等。我希望通过Great Vision CHARITY 让更多的人贫穷孩子能够圆他们的梦想,造就社会的栋梁。“再穷不能穷教育,再苦不能苦孩子”这句话,深深烙在了华裔的内心深处,更是一代又一代华裔潜意识中,必须传承的使命。孩子的教育实为人之根,家之幸,国之本。但愿能借用大家的正能量,大发慈悲和爱心,圆孩子们的一个梦想! 感恩的心,感恩有您!
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    Fundraiser by Tan Wei Kiong for #HarapanMulia

    RM 8,650.00


    RM 10,000.00 Goal

    9 Donors

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    Fundraiser by Ahmad Zawawee for #HarapanMulia

    RM 5,625.00


    RM 3,000.00 Goal

    6 Donors

    Apa yang korang tahu tentang kerja amal kebajikan? Kerja amal kebajikan ni adalah 1 platform untuk membentuk/ melatih diri untuk membentuk sikap kesularelawan didalam diri.Masyarakat selalu memandang mudah bab kerja amal ni. Kebanyakannya merasakan bahawa wujudnya kerja amal ni sebab ada golongan – golongan mengambil kesempatan diatas kemurahan hati sesetengah pihak.Memang diakui bahawa ada sesetengah penerima bantuan memang mengambil kesempatan diatas kemurahan hati NGO. Namun jangan pukul rata dan anggap semua penerima bantuan adalah sama. Bantuan yang disalur kepada mereka ini ibarat talian hayat/ peluang kedua untuk mereka meneruskan hidup. Kita mungkin selesa dengan hidup kita namun harus diingat ada individu/ keluarga yang kurang berkemampuan terutama dari golongan B40 yang masih meraba – raba untuk meneruskan hidup.Tahun 2020 & 2021 adalah tahun yang suram buat Malaysia akibat Pandemik Covid-19. Tahun 2022 merupakan tahun untuk seluruh rakyat Malaysia bangkit semula selepas kita akhirnya berjaya mengatasi pandemik ini. Namun, harus diingat bahawa kesan Pandemik Covid-19 ini turut dirasai oleh segenap lapisan masyarakat tidak terkecuali individu/ keluarga dari golongan B40.Persatuan Harapan Mulia telah melancarkan #HarapanMuliaCampaign sebagai salah 1 inisiatif bersasar untuk membantu golongan ini. Kita memfokuskan 2 langkah iaitu:
    1. Bantuan barangan runcit & keperluan asas melalui Rakan Shopping Project
    2. Bantuan elaun sara hidup untuk pelajar dari kalangan B40 untuk meneruskan cita – cita mereka melanjutkan pengajian ke tahap yang lebih tinggi melalaui Didik Kasih Educare Program.
    Alangkah baiknya jika kita sama – sama berganding bahu serat bekerjasama membela nasib golongan ini. Jom pakat ramai – ramai support #HarapanMuliaCampaign dibawah saya dengan menderma di 
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    Fundraiser by Joshua Lim for #HarapanMulia

    Minimum Donation RM 1.00

    RM 4,508.00


    RM 10,000.00 Goal

    29 Donors

    Throughout my 5 years of working experiences in a charity NGO, we did support a lot of poor families in terms of grocery, rental, medicine, transportation fee, dialysis expense, hospital surgery and equipment and so on. But as time goes by, we are seeing the bigger picture of what is the ultimate reason that are making the poor family become poorer and thehuge increment of B40 families in society, the reason that we can speculate, is the lack of good education to the next generation.Very often, the parents who have received very minimal education or no education, will mostly end up in a low-income job that is easily replaceable during economy recession (especially during MCO or CMCO), jobs such as cleaner or contract security guard or factory worker will be the first to be unemployed. What makes it worse is that they might mislead the next generation, telling them to not focusing so much on education but instead to just go work early to support the household expense. Without a good academy background, the children will mostly end up in a low-income job like their parents, and hence the cycle of poverty goes on.Which is why, Didik Kasih is a fantastic project to me personally, because it aimed to support the underprivileged families kids who liked to further study to college or university, but even though most of their tuition expenses had been covered by PTPTN, they are really worried about their accommodation expenses, transportation expenses, and food expenses when they studied in college or university.So, what really impressed me about the Didik-Kasih program from Great Vision Charity Organization, is that they will be sponsoring RM1500 start-up fee (to be used to purchase work laptop or any other necessary education expense) and RM250 monthly for their living expenses, they can use the money to cover their transportation or accommodation expenses. In the meantime, most of them are very independent I would say. They will find some part-time work such as a part-time promoter in a shopping mall in order to earn that money, for their food expenses.Throughout the GVCA supporting period that lasted for 1 year, we never ask anything in return. Instead, we will only request them to organize one charity program/event that can benefit the underprivileged category, which is also sponsored by us for the entire event expenses. We are teaching them to learn to contribute/give back to the society after they received something good from them.This program is certainly amazing and we really need your help to continuously fund us in this program, so that more and more youngster nowadays will receive the proper education, go for a better job opportunity, and ultimately end the cycle of poverty in future.
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    Fundraiser by Tony Toh for #HarapanMulia

    RM 350.00


    RM 3,000.00 Goal

    3 Donors

    Being involved as part of the charity life, NGOs like Great Vision Charity Association has made us realize how important our missions are to help out the underprivileged families and people when needed whom are often forgotten by the society, especially towards the B40 communities.With the current ongoing situations like Covid-19 and lockdowns that heavily affected many underprivileged societies in a most unfortunate way, this critical moment is when each of us has the utmost responsibility to lend a care when they need us.And that’s why I’m setting a fundraise campaign dedicated to all GVCA programs. Here’s where we explain for each GVCA programs:
    • Didik Kasih EduCare program: For all donations made, all proceeds will go to helping the underprivileged students who are unable to pay up their basic costs to obtain their education in college. These students needed to fulfil their successful future life. The best part is? These same students most of the times will come back to even help other underprivileged families once they obtain their scholarship!
    • Rakan Shopping program: The proceeds will also go to B40 underprivileged families (mainly from PPR low-cost flat areas residency) where volunteers would purchase daily groceries for the families. It is known that many families have unsustainable income as a result of their dire condition imposed by many external factors. The recent Covid-19 only makes it worst and we hope that these proceeds will help stabilize their situation.
    • Collaborating partners: A little fact known is GVCA also collaborates with other associations and organizations like Prudential which facilitates PRUKasih Financial Relief, as well as sister NGOs like Great Heart Charity Association’s charitable programs which I came from! What a small world we are living now!
    So, are we waiting for? Let’s start our own part to help contribute donations to GVCA when we can! Remember that every single cent count, because they will always be life saver for those who are most unfortunate than us!
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    Fundraiser by Yuen Juin Hoe for #HarapanMulia

    Minimum Donation RM 1.00

    RM 16,358.00


    RM 10,000.00 Goal

    62 Donors

    UpdateDear fellow friends, families, and supporters,Thank you to your kind support, I have now managed to reach my fundraising target of RM10,000! I couldn't have made it without your loving and kind support, so a big thank you to all of you whom have supported me. Your donation means a lot to the team here at Great Vision Charity as this will ensure we are able to continue running our 2 main programs to help out underprivileged families and needy students in 2021.That said, our #HarapanMulia campaign target has not ended yet, as the main target is to raise RM500k for Great Vision Charity. For those who are still keen to support our campaign, you may send your love and support to our other fundraisers or to our main campaign here.Thank you once again!Best regards, Yuen____It has been an unforgettable seven years journey for me at Persatuan Harapan Mulia, from planning and setting up the various charity programs, to executing, implementing, and fine tuning each of these programs with my team and colleagues to ensure that they reach out to our target beneficiaries as intended. I have learnt about the plights of the B40 urban poor communities living in various government low cost Projek Perumahan Rakyat (PPR) flats, where half of these low-income families experience being unable to afford sufficient food and with 40% of these households being children, according to a study by UNICEF. That is where our Shopping Buddy program comes in, to provide short-term intervention to end hunger and ensure access by these families in vulnerable situations living in PPR to safe, nutritious, and sufficient food, especially now, more so in our current landscape where we all need to weather both the Covid-19 pandemic and economic uncertainties. While interacting with these families, we also took the opportunity to impart some useful knowledge on good practices in managing their financials.My journey also gave me the chance to interact with a number of tertiary education students from underprivileged backgrounds, where through our Didik-Kasih EduCare program, I have seen some of the students grown from a receiver of aid, to become a giver and role model, inspiring their younger brothers and sisters from various children’s homes to study hard and one day step into an institution of higher learning, graduating from the course of their dreams, and finally contributing back to the society. To see these students being able to conduct charity projects of their own that is usually related to their field of studies, under the guidance of our social workers, and surpassing their own expectations when they have successfully completed their respective charity projects is truly a joy. They have, among others, brought children from various charity homes to places such as the KLIA hangar, Rapid KL LRT depot, and Media Prima’s television studio, with the aim to inspire these children to be in the industry that they are studying for.The blood, sweat, and tears has been worthwhile. But the current Covid-19 pandemic has brought with it many uncertainties that impacted funding to our programs, as well as the target beneficiaries that we are serving. That is why I am now seeking your support to ensure that we can secure enough funds to be able to continue to do the work that we do in serving the needy. Through this crowdfunding effort, I am looking at raising RM10,000.00 for Persatuan Harapan Mulia that goes towards supporting the programs, activities, and needs of the organization. I sincerely hope to be able to garner your support in donating for this initiative, and thereafter share about it to enlist more supporters from your friends and families. Every bit counts!Your support would mean a lot to me, to the team at Persatuan Harapan Mulia, and most of all, to the target beneficiaries that we are supporting via our charity programs.Thank you!Yours sincerely,Yuen Juin Hoe