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    Fundraiser by Fenny Chee for #HarapanMulia

    RM 3,010.00


    RM 3,000.00 Goal

    29 Donors

    嗨!我是FENNY在被疫情笼罩的这些日子里,有很多贫困家庭面临着断粮、断学的危机,堪比雪上加霜。常会听到有人诉说着自己在生活上的困境、很彷徨无助、因为缺乏经济能力而裹足不前等等。曾经接过一通求救电话,对方恳求希望有善心人士能够捐赠奶粉给他年幼的婴儿,因为他刚被裁员,没有多余的钱可以买奶粉。一包价值RM20左右的奶粉,对其他人而言,也许是一顿午餐的钱;但是,对于当时的他来说,可能就是“压倒骆驼的最后一根稻草”。很庆幸的是,宏愿慈善协会 (GREAT VISION CHARITY ASSOCIATION)依旧做着“陪购计划”(SHOPPING BUDDY PROGRAM),这个项目是属于一次性的资助,社工们会审查并筛选符合条件的受惠家庭,让他们获得生活上所需要的物资。除此之外,宏愿慈善协会还设有“关怀教育助学计划”(DIDIK-KASIH EDUCARE PROGRAM),目的就是希望帮助这些弱势群体的莘莘学子,减轻家长的部分负担,让孩子们可以继续他们的学业,待将来出社会谋生时,能有更多、更好的选择捐款多少不设限,您捐进来的每一分钱,我们都会无比感恩与珍惜。因为您的捐款可以让这个平台能够持续帮助更多有需要被援助的弱势群体。您愿意帮助他们吗?
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    Fundraiser by Ahmad Zawawee for #HarapanMulia

    RM 5,625.00


    RM 3,000.00 Goal

    6 Donors

    Apa yang korang tahu tentang kerja amal kebajikan? Kerja amal kebajikan ni adalah 1 platform untuk membentuk/ melatih diri untuk membentuk sikap kesularelawan didalam diri.Masyarakat selalu memandang mudah bab kerja amal ni. Kebanyakannya merasakan bahawa wujudnya kerja amal ni sebab ada golongan – golongan mengambil kesempatan diatas kemurahan hati sesetengah pihak.Memang diakui bahawa ada sesetengah penerima bantuan memang mengambil kesempatan diatas kemurahan hati NGO. Namun jangan pukul rata dan anggap semua penerima bantuan adalah sama. Bantuan yang disalur kepada mereka ini ibarat talian hayat/ peluang kedua untuk mereka meneruskan hidup. Kita mungkin selesa dengan hidup kita namun harus diingat ada individu/ keluarga yang kurang berkemampuan terutama dari golongan B40 yang masih meraba – raba untuk meneruskan hidup.Tahun 2020 & 2021 adalah tahun yang suram buat Malaysia akibat Pandemik Covid-19. Tahun 2022 merupakan tahun untuk seluruh rakyat Malaysia bangkit semula selepas kita akhirnya berjaya mengatasi pandemik ini. Namun, harus diingat bahawa kesan Pandemik Covid-19 ini turut dirasai oleh segenap lapisan masyarakat tidak terkecuali individu/ keluarga dari golongan B40.Persatuan Harapan Mulia telah melancarkan #HarapanMuliaCampaign sebagai salah 1 inisiatif bersasar untuk membantu golongan ini. Kita memfokuskan 2 langkah iaitu:
    1. Bantuan barangan runcit & keperluan asas melalui Rakan Shopping Project
    2. Bantuan elaun sara hidup untuk pelajar dari kalangan B40 untuk meneruskan cita – cita mereka melanjutkan pengajian ke tahap yang lebih tinggi melalaui Didik Kasih Educare Program.
    Alangkah baiknya jika kita sama – sama berganding bahu serat bekerjasama membela nasib golongan ini. Jom pakat ramai – ramai support #HarapanMuliaCampaign dibawah saya dengan menderma di 
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    Fundraiser by Angie Ng for #HarapanMulia

    RM 30,500.00


    RM 3,000.00 Goal

    66 Donors

    我是Angie Ng,来自巴生,在GREAT HEART不知不觉中服务已经6年多了,时间过的真快!在这6年里,除了自己办的活动之外,我也参与其他同事主办的活动,对于Great Vision我也参与了无数次的陪购,Great Vision也是GREAT HEART旗下的姐妹,援助包含了:教育助学计划、每月的陪购计划等等。人生不能等的3件事:一、孝順不能等。二、行善不能等。三、教育不能等。人这一生,最常做的事就是等,等有钱了 ,等有空了,等将来 ,等以后 ,等下次,等来等去,留下的是遗憾。 在此呼吁大家,让我们一起为慈善为教育出发,您们的一人一份力量~就是推动无限正能量!🙏🏻感恩的心 感谢有您🙏🏻
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    Fundraiser by Andrew & Adeline for #HarapanMulia

    RM 3,450.00


    RM 3,000.00 Goal

    9 Donors

    作为一名社工和义工,我们遇到了无数的贫困家庭,而最让我们心寒的是目睹了许多积极进取或有潜力的年轻人被剥夺了获得最佳教育体验的机会。 由于家里与大学的距离遥远却选择了这机会。大学对来自 B40 家庭的学生来说是一件昂贵的事情。 在某些情况下,上课根本不可能,因为更需要有限的钱来购买简单的必需品,例如租金、食物、水电费等。Didik-Kasih EduCare Program 是本协会的主要项目之一,该项目提供学习援助,旨在帮助潜在及希望继续高等教育的贫困小孩,为他们提供启动援助和十二个月的每月津贴,以支付他 / 她在学习期间的生活费用,以便他们能够专心学习。除此之外,宏愿慈善协会的另外一个慈善项目就是“陪购计划”(Shopping Buddy Program),此项目是给予贫困家庭生活上所需要的物资。捐款多少不设限,您捐进来的每一分钱,我们都会无比感恩与珍惜。因为您的捐款可以让本协会能够持续帮助更多有需要被援助的弱势群体。The current COVID-19 outbreak, the recent Klang Valley floods, and the global economic downturn have driven many of the B40 communities even further into poverty and hardship. Many people are losing their daily salaries, putting them in an even more precarious position. Rakan Shopping Program steps in to provide a short-term solution to ensure that these B40 families living in PPR have access to safe and healthy meals every day.As social workers & volunteers, meeting countless poor families, what breaks our hearts most is to witness many highly motivated or potential youths are being robbed from the chance of them to get the best education experience possible. Living far away from Universities and Colleges means school becomes an expensive affair for students coming from the B40 community. In some cases, attending classes at all becomes an improbability, because there is a higher need for limited amounts of money to go into a simple necessities, such as rental, food, utility payments and etc. Didik-Kasih EduCare Program, I would rather call it an opportunity to change our youths’ future by making tertiary education opportunities accessible to them.Thank you in advance and I sincerely appreciate for your kind support, giving us a chance to help those in need on your behalf, I believe together we can make a difference in the lives in need.Sincerely, Andrew & Adeline
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    #HarapanMulia 2022 Fundraiser

    RM 214,221.00


    RM 355,700.00 Goal

    70 Donors

    #HarapanMulia fundraiser campaign is back for year 2022!We are running the #HarapanMulia fundraiser, where we aim to raise RM450k for our two main programs: the Rakan Shopping Program and Didik-Kasih EduCare Program. We are also in need of funds to facilitate our charity programs and for day-to-day operations.Despite being able to successfully conduct our programs and activities this year, the COVID-19 pandemic has brought with it many uncertainties, which makes it even more important that we secure enough funds so that we are able to continue our work.We are looking for your support in donating, as well as fundraising so that we can achieve this goal of giving hope to our beneficiaries in the year to come. Let us come together as satu rakyat, to give harapan mulia to those in need. Note: As GVCA is currently still in the midst of applying with the Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri (LHDN) for our tax-exemption status, all donations received are currently non-tax-exempted. We seek your kind understanding on this matter. We will update on our communication channels should there be a change in our tax-exempt status in the near future.
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    Community Disinfection Services Project

    RM 25,944.00


    RM 26,727.00 Goal

    7 Donors

    Persatuan Harapan Mulia (GVCA) and its partners support various community disinfection teams with disinfection supplies, equipment, or monetary aid as a community initiative to combat Covid-19. We have initiated a team in selected areas in Klang Valley to execute disinfection measures for Covid-19 hit premises, including residential areas, shop lots, and community areas as a critical approach to protect our community. FUNDRAISING AMOUNT: RM 50,000.00OFFLINE FUNDRAISED AMOUNT: RM 23,272.84CAMPAIGN END DATE: 31 December 2021 Inquiries:Mon - Fri, 9:00am – 5:00pm012 383 6339 IN JOINT EFFORT:   
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    Jomfund_B40 by UM for #HarapanMulia

    Minimum Donation RM 1.00

    RM 1,000.00


    RM 1,000.00 Goal

    56 Donors

    Jomfund_B40 is a group consisting of five undergraduate students from University of Malaya who strive for success in organising an online fundraising event named “Covid-19 Fundraiser: Helping the Less Fortunate”. The project is carried out as a part of the continuous assessment for GLT1015 Advanced Professional Writing. It is known that Covid-19 pandemic has caused a significant economic impact globally. In addition to the global crisis and economic slowdown caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, it also caused a budget crisis in Malaysian households. The unemployment of household heads and salary reduction of employees become the factors that lead to the decrease in household income of Malaysian. Being the bottom tier income earner of the country, B40 community is the most affected community during this Covid-19 pandemic.Recently, an article entitled “Covid-19 forces Malaysia’s poor to live on instant noodles, abandon school: UN Study” (South China Morning Post, 24 August 2020) has reported about the hardship of poor families due to the outbreak of Covid-19. As the consequences of the running out of savings of this community caused by great deal of debt carried and little income during the pandemic, many of them could lose access to necessities such as food and housing. Students are unable to continue school or committed fully to online class because they have no access to computers or the internet necessary for efficient e-learning. Besides, issues of malnutrition occurred as they highly depend on canned food or instant noodles to survive. Therefore, we hope that the implementation of this online fundraising event may help in reducing the burden of the B40 community during the pandemic.These are the objectives of our group project:
    1. To reduce the burden of the B40 community during Covid-19.
    2. To create awareness about Covid-19 among communities.
    3. To provide students came from B40 families with basic educational needs.
    As a starting point in organising a fundraising event, we target ourselves to raise RM1000 for Great Vision Charity (Persatuan Harapan Mulia) in support of their charity mission. The funds collected will be utilized on preparing care packages for the B40 families in PPR Pantai Ria as well as assist in funding in study aid for the needy students under Great Vision Charity’s support.  The project will be publicized on social media like Instagram and Facebook to attract the attention of the public as well as increase the number of donors participating in the event. “Giving is not just about making a donation, it’s about making a difference.” said Kathy Calvin, CEO and current President of the United Nations Foundation. Let’s help them to go through this hard time by joining our fundraising event. Your little contribution might result in a huge difference in their lives!
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    Fundraiser by Jenny Yap for #HarapanMulia

    Minimum Donation RM 1.00

    RM 100.00


    RM 10,000.00 Goal

    1 Donors

    Hello there, my name is Jenny Yap I am a volunteer & event executive of Great Heart Charity Association. I get to know that our Sister NGO Great Vision Charity Association is running fundraising activities to maintain and continue their helping hand to the underprivileged family and underprivileged student.A little bit introduce of Great Vision Charity Association had two programme in action which is “Didik-Kasih Educare Program” & “Rakan Shopping Program”.The Didik-Kasih Educare Program provides care in the form of study aid, which assists to those who are underprivileged and want to continue their studies on tertiary level. It provided startup assistance & monthly allowance to cover their living expenses while they study.The Rakan Shopping Program is that conducted on third Sunday of each month, where 10 underprivileged families are invited for a grocery shopping session with volunteers. RM100 cash vouchers are handed out to each family as to lighten their financial load.Hope the above short introduction is clear for your understanding. In this fundraising activity I personally appreciate for your kindness help; and in return for your donation I will hold a lucky draw section for the donors.With every RM100 of donation will valid with one entry.Please screenshot your donation receipt and email to me at [email protected] Do provide me your full name, phone no, and address for the lucky draw section.Entries validity date will run until 30th November 2020, and lucky draw live section will be on my Facebook on 1st December 2020 @ 20:00 hrs. Donation entries submitted will stand a chance to win one whole set of Angry Bird Crochet doll.Of cause this donation is not a must for the amount as stated, I would be happy and most appreciate with any amount of your donation.Sincerely thank you and wish all your kindness will be blessed with all the good fortune.Thank You! Yours sincerely, Jenny Yap
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    Charity Legal Advice by Yan for #HarapanMulia

    Minimum Donation RM 1.00

    RM 3,756.00


    RM 3,000.00 Goal

    16 Donors

    Breaking down the public stereotypes of lawyersDo you think that lawyers start billing you for every minute he or she spends thinking or talking about your case? Have you ever been told that lawyers are manipulative and taking advantage of situations?At some point, people find themselves admitting that they need legal advise from a lawyer but they are worrying of the expensive bill for legal advise. Public stereotypes of lawyers can be overwhelming, but today only with RM100 you would be able to support the charity work of NGO Great Vision Charity Association helping the underprivileged community AND enjoy 35-minutes legal advise with a practicing lawyer cum legal advisor of Great Vision Charity Association.All proceeds will be fully contributed to the charity work of Great Vision Charity Association which includes grocery aid to B40 underprivileged community and study aid to support underprivileged students’ education. Terms & Conditions of Legal Advise Session
    1. Limits to 30 pax.
    1. Minimum donation to enjoy the 35-minutes legal advise is RM100.
    2. The 35-minutes legal advise session would be conducted by way of telephone conversation. Face-to-face sessions could be provided upon request (subject to availability).
    3. For Donors who wish to enjoy the 35-minutes legal advise session, kindly email your name, contact number and proof of donation to [email protected]. Failure to do so would be deemed to have not interested to participate in the 35-minutes legal advise session.
    4. If Donors wish to support this program but do not want to enjoy the 35-minutes legal advise session, no problem, we welcome any amount of donations.
    5. The 35-minutes legal advise session ONLY serves as preliminary advise for your legal issue.
    6. By joining this 35-minutes legal advise session, you AGREE that no ‘client-solicitor’ relationship is formed and our legal advisor shall not be held responsible and/or liable for any legal advise given.
    7. Our legal advisor is only able to dispense legal advise within her expertise and/or your issue is not a complicated legal issue.
    8. We will protect your privacy and keep your information safe.
     打破公众对于律师的刻板印象您是否对律师还存有这样的刻板印象认为跟律师说话都是按时间收费,甚至是认为只要律师开始为您的案件花时间思考或谈论您的案件,肯定逃不了要付咨询费。您是否曾被告知律师善于操纵并利用形势,做的事情往往与收费不相符?在生活中,人们难免遇到各种问题,想要咨询律师,却又担心咨询费昂贵。可是现在只需RM100,您可以支持宏愿慈善协会的慈善工作帮助弱势群体之余,还能享有与执业律师以及宏愿慈善协会法律顾问所提供的35分钟法律咨询。所有的款项将全数捐献给宏愿慈善协会的慈善工作,其中包括对B40贫困社区的食品杂货援助和支持贫困学生教育的学习援助。 法律咨询的条款及细则
    1. 只限首30位捐助者。
    2. 享有35分钟法律咨询的最低捐款为RM100。
    3. 35分钟的法律咨询将通过电话交谈进行,可以应要求提供面对面35分钟的法律咨询(视情况而定)。
    4. 若想享用35分钟法律咨询的捐助者,请将您的姓名,联系电话和捐款证明通过电子邮件发送至[email protected]。 否则,将被视为没有兴趣享用35分钟的法律咨询。
    5. 如果捐助者希望支持该募捐计划,但又不想参与35分钟的法律咨询,没问题,我们欢迎您提供任何数额的捐助。
    6. 35分钟的法律咨询仅作为您法律问题的初步建议。
    7. 通过参加此35分钟的法律咨询,即表示您同意您与我们的法律顾问不形成任何“客户-律师”关系,我们的法律顾问对所提供的任何法律建议概不负责。
    8. 我们的法律顾问只能在其专业知识以及领域范围内提供法律咨询或是您的问题不是属于复杂的法律问题.
    9. 我们将保护您的隐私并确保您的信息安全。
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    Botak For B40 by Natashya Khoo for #HarapanMulia

    Minimum Donation RM 1.00

    RM 3,354.00


    RM 10,000.00 Goal

    28 Donors

    I've been working in Great Heart Charity for a year now! To celebrate this, I am raising funds for Persatuan Harapan Mulia, our sister NGO which is now coincidentally running the #HarapanMulia fundraising campaign.Working with the most marginalised communities in our society for a year now has, quite frankly, broken my heart. I can't pick up phone calls because I don't know how to reject people in need in place of other people in need (which is why I do social media). It is hard, and often painful, work.While I do work here, I am by no means receiving a cut from this, nor does this affect my KPI. I'm doing this because people are hurting. People are losing their jobs. The fact that I am doing this from my work from home table is a privilege that not many have, & something that Persatuan Harapan Mulia is working daily to help.My goal of RM10,000 comes nowhere close to the charity's main goal of RM500,000. However, this big goal just goes to show the big dreams that the charity has to reach out to B40 communities across the Klang Valley to supply groceries through the Rakan Shopping Program, as well as to fund the studies of underprivileged students via the Didik-Kasih EduCare Program.Should I hit my goal, I will be shaving my head (completely, fully, no hair!) as my hair is currently dyed, which means I can't donate it. To give my hair a fresh start so that it can help others in the future, is on par with how your donations will give a fresh start to those affected by poverty and the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.Donations can be made right here! Thank you so much for helping those in need.Buzz me if you need a receipt- IG: @natashyakhoo (Personal fundraiser updates here!) Email: [email protected]
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    Fundraiser by Yong Xuan for #HarapanMulia

    Minimum Donation RM 1.00

    RM 960.00


    RM 2,000.00 Goal

    15 Donors

    Help me support my favourite NGO! :)I've always been a frequent volunteer for Great Vision Charity Association (GVCA)'s Shopping Buddy Program, which is a program that aims to assist the B40 community. Throughout my experience of volunteering with GVCA, I am constantly amazed by the effort and passion they share to provide for the beneficiaries that are under their care. Thus, I always make myself available in many of their events, simply because I believe in the way they do things. Moreover, GVCA has always been transparent on the funds they received from donors, detailing every penny that goes into each programs, so you can rest assured the donations are in good hands.This round, GVCA is looking to raise RM500k to continue their charity programs in year 2021. Breakdown as below:• Shopping Buddy Program - RM42 k • Didik-Kasih EduCare Program - RM 218k • Charity Program Facilitation - RM 110 k • Operating Expenditure - RM 130 kRakan Shopping Program would be the program I participated in the most, it aims to support the B40 communities by taking care of their monthly groceries needs. With groceries paid for, families can then focus on paying off overdue bills, medical fees, as well as the educational costs for their kids. Hopefully, it'll be able to ease the burden of the families, and to create a better lifestyle for them.The Didik-Kasih EduCare program is a study aid that aims to assist those who wishes to further their tertiary studies by providing them with a start-up assistance and monthly allowance to cover his / her living expenses while studying throughout the period of assistance. The program also aims to influence and inspire successful applicants to give back to the society by getting involved in and organizing charity activities.My 1st goal: To raise RM 2000.If the target is reached, I want to challenge myself to go vegan for 2 weeks, and in the process of doing so, document it and share it with my friends. Hopefully, in the future, I'll be able to practice a lifestyle that reduces the environmental impact by eating meat-free meals as part of my weekly routine.Let's help each other out in times of crisis!
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    Fundraiser by Yuen Juin Hoe for #HarapanMulia

    Minimum Donation RM 1.00

    RM 16,358.00


    RM 10,000.00 Goal

    62 Donors

    UpdateDear fellow friends, families, and supporters,Thank you to your kind support, I have now managed to reach my fundraising target of RM10,000! I couldn't have made it without your loving and kind support, so a big thank you to all of you whom have supported me. Your donation means a lot to the team here at Great Vision Charity as this will ensure we are able to continue running our 2 main programs to help out underprivileged families and needy students in 2021.That said, our #HarapanMulia campaign target has not ended yet, as the main target is to raise RM500k for Great Vision Charity. For those who are still keen to support our campaign, you may send your love and support to our other fundraisers or to our main campaign here.Thank you once again!Best regards, Yuen____It has been an unforgettable seven years journey for me at Persatuan Harapan Mulia, from planning and setting up the various charity programs, to executing, implementing, and fine tuning each of these programs with my team and colleagues to ensure that they reach out to our target beneficiaries as intended. I have learnt about the plights of the B40 urban poor communities living in various government low cost Projek Perumahan Rakyat (PPR) flats, where half of these low-income families experience being unable to afford sufficient food and with 40% of these households being children, according to a study by UNICEF. That is where our Shopping Buddy program comes in, to provide short-term intervention to end hunger and ensure access by these families in vulnerable situations living in PPR to safe, nutritious, and sufficient food, especially now, more so in our current landscape where we all need to weather both the Covid-19 pandemic and economic uncertainties. While interacting with these families, we also took the opportunity to impart some useful knowledge on good practices in managing their financials.My journey also gave me the chance to interact with a number of tertiary education students from underprivileged backgrounds, where through our Didik-Kasih EduCare program, I have seen some of the students grown from a receiver of aid, to become a giver and role model, inspiring their younger brothers and sisters from various children’s homes to study hard and one day step into an institution of higher learning, graduating from the course of their dreams, and finally contributing back to the society. To see these students being able to conduct charity projects of their own that is usually related to their field of studies, under the guidance of our social workers, and surpassing their own expectations when they have successfully completed their respective charity projects is truly a joy. They have, among others, brought children from various charity homes to places such as the KLIA hangar, Rapid KL LRT depot, and Media Prima’s television studio, with the aim to inspire these children to be in the industry that they are studying for.The blood, sweat, and tears has been worthwhile. But the current Covid-19 pandemic has brought with it many uncertainties that impacted funding to our programs, as well as the target beneficiaries that we are serving. That is why I am now seeking your support to ensure that we can secure enough funds to be able to continue to do the work that we do in serving the needy. Through this crowdfunding effort, I am looking at raising RM10,000.00 for Persatuan Harapan Mulia that goes towards supporting the programs, activities, and needs of the organization. I sincerely hope to be able to garner your support in donating for this initiative, and thereafter share about it to enlist more supporters from your friends and families. Every bit counts!Your support would mean a lot to me, to the team at Persatuan Harapan Mulia, and most of all, to the target beneficiaries that we are supporting via our charity programs.Thank you!Yours sincerely,Yuen Juin Hoe